SearchKit displays break hook_civicrm_links implementations
hook_civicrm_links allows extension developers to modify the action links (e.g. View, Edit, Delete, etc.) at the ends of rows in a display. However, SearchKit doesn't seem to have a way to handle this.
As a consequence, the project of marching through all of the listing displays and replacing them with SearchKit forms means that we're in the process of systematically breaking nearly every implementation of hook_civicrm_links and providing no way to resolve it.
Ideally, the same $op
strings would be used so that existing extensions could continue working as-is, but I'm not seeing how to provide all the necessary arguments to the hook.
Alternatively, it would be very useful to have a way for an extension to modify the links without reimplementing the entire display (or else we'll inevitably see them start to clash).
But at the very least, we need to have clear guidance for how to reimplement an extension for more recent versions of CiviCRM. We've noticed it in contact summary Relationships tab extensions, but soon it will be a lot.