Conditional use of Form Processors
This is a feature request somewhat related to conditional fields (see PR #24699 on Github), but this affects the backend as well: It should be possible to link a form to a Form Processor only if certain conditions are met. A way to link fields for that form processor to previous fields would be required.
Example use-case
A petition with a checkbox “Send me your newsletter as well”. If this is selected, a block for a corresponding form processor with any additional fields would appear depending, but some of these fields will be identical to previous fields (in the unconditional part of the form), such as the first name.
Proposed behaviour
It would have to be possible to fill these fields in the form processor block via identifiers (see other feature request #4576) that cause the values from the referred fields to be copied. Other fields that do not duplicate fields from the unconditional part of the form will have to appear as standard controls.
In the backend, the same condition will have to be used to decide whether that form processor should be used to process the submission.
This request is yet another result of this week’s CiviSprint in Zeitz near Leipzig, Germany. Forgive us :-)