Whether this is a cv issue or an API4 explorer issue is debatable, but cv api4 --help shows an example of 1 standing in for true, so I created PR #25589 to make the explorer conform to this syntax.
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This issue appears still to be present in 5.78.3, e.g. it generated this: cv api4 Relationship.update +v is_active=true +w 'relationship_type_id = 5' +w 'is_active = true'
I found that when run with cv, this command targets inactive relationships rather than active. Luckily the value parameter gets similarly misconstrued, so it is at least consistent.
(If you're wondering why anyone would want a command to update active relationships to active, it's a no-op update to trigger inherited memberships to update, where they had failed to inherit.)
Hi @colemanw , yes changing true to 1 in the generated command works, the bug is that the APIv4 explorer generates cv code that doesn't work correctly.