Given an install with Drupal and CiviCRM, the CRM_Utils_File::isAbsolute method does not respect paths that are prefixed with a stream wrapper. For example, this breaks if using Kernel tests and a mocked file system. Paths are prefixed with vfs://. Also, you may be using AWS to store files and leveraging an s3:// stream wrapper.
Reproduction steps
Set file_private_path to a stream wrapper path
Install CiviCRM
Explodes as CiviCRM prefixes the valid path with the core Drupal path
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information
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Thanks for reporting @mglaman, and for sharing your workaround. Quick question: are you talking about D7 or D8+? (this might be obvious to other people... )
It might not be too hard to fix in core, just would want to see how isAbsolute is used elsewhere where it might have some assumptions. Fortunately doesn't look like too many places to check, at least in core:
One other note is that DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR gets overused and is often used wrong. When using streams I think that would be yet another scenario where you would not want DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR but just always use '/'.
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