Export tmp tables are created with varchar(16) for T_BOOLEAN types. This may be sufficient for the short-worded language english but if translated we get longer export values. So this should be 32 or more
To fix for example change ExportProcessor.php, L1454, to
return "`$fieldName` varchar(64)";
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information
This is still a relevant issue, last observed with 5.35.1. Here the boolean field on_hold (email) is exported as
On Hold Bounce
which (with its 14 characters) fits nicely into the export temp table that allows for 16 (see PR linked above).
However the German translation
Inaktiv wegen Unerreichbarkeit
with 30 characters triggers the Data too long for column x exception. I know, I know, we're a complicated people with unnecessarily long words... but I feel we should be able to export our data anyway :D
I really recommend to pull the PR above into CORE, even though it's 'just' a mitigation and not really fixing the underlying issue. To prevent this from happening ever again, we could additionally truncate the (translated) values to the 64 characters.