Using the schedule activity section at the bottom of an email sent from manage case doesn't file the scheduled activity on the case
Not so much a bug it's just my expectation would be that if I'm sending an email from manage case I'd expect the scheduled followup to also be filed on the case.
- Go to the manage case screen for a case.
- Expand the roles section.
- Click the email icon to start an email to one of the people there.
- Fill it out.
- At the bottom expand the schedule followup section.
- Fill it out. Can leave assignee blank it's not relevant.
- Send the email.
- Look at the activities on manage case - the scheduled activity is not there. Where is it? It's on the logged in user's contact on their activities tab (and the email recipient's activities tab).
Using the scheduled followup section when editing a case activity does file it on the case. So this is a little inconsistent.