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    xml/GenCode.php - Fix execution in default locale (without l10n data) · b0c5bdb4
    totten authored
    This fixes a recent regression in which `xml/GenCode.php` fails to execute in certain configurations.
    Initial report:
    * If the folder `l10n` exists in its traditional location, and if you run `./bin/ -g`, then it
      correctly executes.
    * If the folder `l10n` does not exist in its traditional locacation, and if you run `./bin/ -g`,
      then it fails with an error like this:
      + php -d mysql.default_host= -d mysql.default_user=dmasterciv_abcde -d mysql.default_password=abcd1234 GenCode.php schema/Schema.xml '' Drupal
      civicrm_domain.version := 5.23.alpha1
      Parsing schema description schema/Schema.xml
      Extracting database information
      Extracting table information
      PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: Invalid configuration: the [cms.root] path must be an absolute URL in /home/me/.../Civi/Core/Paths.php:1...