I've seen this issue, but I don't have any way to create issues on https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/backdrop/-/issues (I'm unable to log in with my civi credentials, and am not getting a password reset email).
I'm going to create my issue here since I'm seeing it now and can write it up well, but apologize in advance for any additional copy/paste work I make for myself (or more importantly, anyone else!) in the future.
Thanks @mlutfy! The password reset form showed me a message as though the email address I provided (my current one) was correct. When that it is not the case, there should be an error message (not a success message) letting people know that they are NOT getting a password reset email. When it says I AM getting an email, and then I don't, the system just seems broken.
Also worth noting:
I received the password reset emails you had sent to my old email address, but when clicked the link and logged in, the email address showing in the Email address field (for my Drupal user account) is my new address (the one I had first requested a password for). It sounds like there might be some other issues with password reset, if it won't send an email to an address that is active in the Drupal database. Perhaps a mismatch between Drupal user account and civi contact record?
@jenlampton I had done a few reset attempts, before and after updating your email. The rest is standard Drupal9, which is indeed very cringe by default. I don't know much about Drupal, but if there are module or something I can enable, happy to do that.
ps: having delays with the issue import, will do later