- Nov 03, 2017
- Nov 02, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
Reorganize "Testing" pages
Sean Madsen authored
Updated link to info.xml reference
ginkgofjg authored
Page should not link to itself.
- Nov 01, 2017
totten authored
totten authored
Seamus Lee authored
Documentation for hook_civicrm_alterEntityRefParams
Seamus Lee authored
Monish Deb authored
Monish Deb authored
- Oct 31, 2017
totten authored
I'd like to be able to merge the general, incremental improvements for the "Testing" section, but these two new pages aren't yet written. Comment them out.
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
* Provide a better visualization of the the different test suites * Migrate setup instructions from https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/blob/master/tests/README.md
totten authored
totten authored
1. Add new entries for Protractor, Codeception, and QUnit 2. This menu includes (a) some pages about the overall testing process and (b) some pages about specific tools. Consistently put the general before the specific.
totten authored
totten authored
totten authored
There are multiple tools for testing in JS. We'll want separate pages for each.
totten authored
The second statement doesn't make much sense without the first statement. Put them together.
totten authored
totten authored
Running civilint is important for any/all code. Seems a bit arbitrary emphasizing this point specifically for tests.
totten authored
totten authored
Sean Madsen authored
Move tokens docs into User Guide
Sean Madsen authored
related: https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-user-guide/pull/232 Resolve #316
- Oct 25, 2017
totten authored
Sean Madsen authored
Document API lookups by username
Jon goldberg authored