- Feb 17, 2017
AllenShaw authored
@nganivet and I worked out this wording, based on a discussion in the Extensions Working Group. The aim is to help eliminate surprises and increase trust.
Sean Madsen authored
content from: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nUfSqIpMQplrj6cv4Nvkxf-dR3NClghhKdB_Xw3MpYY/edit No substantive content changes, but quite a bit of content clean up during import
- Feb 10, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
- Feb 04, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
real content
- Jan 04, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
perl -0777 -i -pe 's|^(.*)\n-{3,}$|## $1|gm' `find . -name '*.md'` perl -0777 -i -pe 's|^(.*)\n={3,}$|# $1|gm' `find . -name '*.md'`
- Dec 30, 2016
Sean Madsen authored
Large scale clean up of markdown code (in almost all files) to conform to markdown conventions that I observed to be used consistently in the official CiviCRM User Guide. These convensions are now documented in the markdownrules.md file
- Dec 27, 2016
Andie Hunt authored
- Oct 27, 2016
totten authored
During the meeting of the Extension Working group on 27-Oct-16, we discussed trade-offs in the names. (Ex: Now that "Stewardship" has an option for "Seeking Maintainer", it seems a bit confusing to have "Maturity" as "Maintained/Unmaintained".) There was support changing these two names and no opposition. The goal is to publicize this soon in a public blog. Hopefully, this is the last round, but if there's strong feedback we could revise again.
- Aug 26, 2016