- Aug 09, 2017
Effy Elden authored
Make the warning about running Ubuntu installation as root slightly more dire.
- Jul 25, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
- Jul 24, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
- General formatting improvements. - Change "Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04" to "Ubuntu 12.04 or later" because the buildkit install script is clearly designed to work for later versions of Ubuntu. - Relocate troubleshoot steps to after configuration steps (so the reader doesn't stop reading when they see "troubleshooting". - Higlight post-installation steps. - New instructions for manually ading webserver settings after running `amp config`. - More troubleshooting help.
Sean Madsen authored
This was in the general "buildkit" page, and I think it fits better in the specific "civibuild" page.
Sean Madsen authored
This is a direct copy-paste from one section of the guide to another, without any edits. When someone is installing buildkit, these steps are easy to miss if they're located in the civibuild file.
- Jul 20, 2017
totten authored
- Jun 25, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
This way MkDocs will be able to report errors for broken links Done with: perl -0777 -i -pe \ 's@(?<!!)\[([^\]]*)\]\((?!https?://)(?!mailto:)(/(?:(?:(?:/(?![\)#]))|[^/)#])(?!.md))+)/?(#[^)]*)?\)@[$1]($2.md$3)@gm' \ `find . -name '*.md'`
- Jun 23, 2017
mickadoo authored
- Jun 17, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored
Not adding internal redirects because these pages are so new.
Sean Madsen authored
Based on discussion here: https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-dev-docs/pull/189
- Jun 16, 2017
Sean Madsen authored
Sean Madsen authored