Unit-testing is an invaluable to way to maintain quality-control over
Unit-testing is essential to maintain quality-control over
your extension. When developing a test case for a CiviCRM extension, it
your extension. When developing a test case for a CiviCRM extension, it
is useful to run the test case within an active, clean CiviCRM
is useful to run the test case within an active, clean CiviCRM
environment. The CiviCRM/Civix testing tools will automate this – as
environment. The combined CiviCRM `civix` testing tools will automate this as
long as you follow a few basic conventions. The following steps will
long as you follow a few basic conventions.
create and run a test in your extension.
The following steps will create and run a test in your extension.
Before preparing unit-tests with extensions, you must first
[configure you personal testing sandbox](/confluence/display/CRM/Setting+up+your+personal+testing+sandbox+HOWTO) and enable your extension on the sandbox.
Before preparing unit-tests with extensions, you must first:
Explore the full options with:
- Configure the test system for core CiviCRM. See [Setting up your