If you are already familiar with APIv3, here are the key differences to help you get started using APIv4.
APIv4 is broadly similar to APIv3. Both are designed for reading and writing data.
Both use *entities*, *actions*, and *parameters*. However, APIv4 is specifically a
breaking-change which aims to reduce *ambiguity* and improve *flexibility* and *consistency*.
This document walks through a list of specific differences. As you consider
them, it may help to have a concrete example expressed in both APIv3 and
<!-- Would be nice if Markdown made it easier to do side-by-side comparison... -->
<em>Procedural-array style:</em><br/>
1: $res = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'get', [
2: 'check_permissions' => FALSE,
3: 'first_name' => 'Bob',
4: 'return' => 'id,display_name',
5: 'options' => [
6: 'limit' => 2,
7: 'offset' => 2,
8: ],
9: ]);
11: foreach ($res['values'] as $row) {
12: echo $row['display_name'];
13: }
<em>Procedural-array style:</em><br/>
1: $res = civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', [
2: 'checkPermissions' => FALSE,
3: 'where' => [['first_name', '=', 'Bob']],
4: 'select' => ['id', 'display_name'],
6: 'limit' => 2,
7: 'offset' => 2,
9: ]);
11: foreach ($res as $row) {
12: echo $row['display_name'];
13: }
<em>Object-oriented style:</em><br/>
1: $res = \Civi\Api4\Contact::get()
2: ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE)
3: ->addWhere(['first_name', '=', 'Bob'])
4: ->addSelect(['id', 'display_name'])
6: ->setLimit(2)
7: ->setOffset(2)
9: ->execute();
11: foreach ($res as $row) {
12: echo $row['display_name'];
13: }
## API wrapper
- In addition to the familiar style of `civicrm_api4('Entity', 'action', $params)`, there is now an object-oriented style in PHP: `\Civi\Api4\Entity::action()->...->execute()`
- When chaining API calls together, back-references to values from the main API call must be explicitly given (discoverable in the API Explorer).
- When using OOP style in an IDE, most actions and parameters can benefit from auto-completion and type-checking.
-`$checkPermissions` always defaults to `TRUE`. In APIv3, the default depended on the environment (`TRUE` in REST/Javascript; `FALSE` in PHP).
- A 4th param `index` controls how results are returned:
- Passing a string will index all results by that key e.g. `civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 'id')` will index by id.
- Passing a number will return the result at that index e.g. `civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 0)` will return the first result and is the same as `\Civi\Api4\Contact::get()->execute()->first()`. `-1` is the equivalent of `$result->last()`.
- When chaining API calls together, back-references to values from the main API call must be explicitly given (discoverable in the API Explorer).
## Actions
- For `Get`, the default `limit` has changed. If you send an API call without an explicit limit, then it will return *all* records. (In v3, it would silently apply a default of 25.) However, if you use the API Explorer, it will *recommend* a default limit of 25.