@@ -340,8 +340,9 @@ In-place field editing was added to CiviCRM circa v4.1 and is built upon
| **Empty Option** | *-* | A string to label the "null" option if the field is of type select and the user should be allowed to choose nothing. | | `data-empty-option="{ts}- none -{/ts}"` |
| **Tooltip** | *"Click to edit"* | Any text | | `data-tooltip="{ts}Help text{/ts}"` |
| **Placeholder** | *(standard edit icon)* | Any markup | | `data-placeholder="<span>Click to edit</span>"` |
| **Select Options** | *(automatic)* | Json-encoded options (Note: this is rarely needed as option lists are automatically fetched from the api by crmEditable) | | |
| **Select Options** | *(automatic)* | JSON-encoded options (Note: this is rarely needed as option lists are automatically fetched from the api by crmEditable) | | |