can be included with an element with the classes "crm-i" and the
"fa-..." class corresponding to the icon.
!!! tip{width="16" height="16"} Use <> if you want access to these icons in earlier versions of CiviCRM (for example, if you have an extension, that uses them).
To use an existing icon simply find the one you want from the list below
and use the following code (in this example we are using the
<divclass="code panel"style="border-width: 1px;">
<divclass="codeContent panelContent">
<div class="icon delete-icon"></div>
!!! tip{width="16" height="16"} CiviCRM uses image sprites ([more info]({.external-link}) for its two icon sets.
### The following **CRM-specific** icons are available:
- Individual-icon
- Group-icon
- Household-icon
<!-- -->
- Individual-subtype-icon
- Household-subtype-icon
- Organization-subtype-icon
<!-- -->
- Organization-icon
- Activity-icon
- Case-icon
- Grant-icon
- Contribution-icon
- Pledge-icon
- Membership-icon
- Participant-icon
- Note-icon
- Relationship-icon
### The following **non CRM-specific** icons are available:
- edit-icon
- delete-icon
- dashboard-icon
- user-record-icon
- inform-icon
- tip-icon
Non CRM-specific icons can be altered to use one of 4 possible colors:
- light-icon = #888888
- dark-icon = #222222
- red-icon = #cd0a0a
- blue-icon = #2e83ff
The default icon color is "light-icon" or #222222. To change the color,
simply add the color class to the icon div - in the example below the
delete icon will be red:
<divclass="code panel"style="border-width: 1px;">
<divclass="codeContent panelContent">
<div class="icon red-icon delete-icon"></div>
Non CRM-specific icons used inside of a button will change to
"dark-icons" when you hover over the button (with the exception of the