If you are already familiar with Api v3, here are the key differences to help you get started using v4.
If you are already familiar with APIv3, here are the key differences to help you get started using APIv4.
## Api wrapper
## API wrapper
- In addition to the familiar style of `civicrm_api4('Entity', 'action', $params)` there is now an OO style in php`\Civi\Api4\Entity::action()->...->execute()`.
- In addition to the familiar style of `civicrm_api4('Entity', 'action', $params)`, there is now an object-oriented style in PHP:`\Civi\Api4\Entity::action()->...->execute()`
- When chaining api calls together, backreferences to values from the main api call must be explicitly given (discoverable in the api explorer).
- When chaining API calls together, back-references to values from the main API call must be explicitly given (discoverable in the API Explorer).
-`$checkPermissions` always defaults to `TRUE`. In api3 it defaulted to `TRUE` in REST/Javascript but`FALSE` in php.
-`$checkPermissions` always defaults to `TRUE`. In APIv3, the default depended on the environment (`TRUE` in REST/Javascript;`FALSE` in PHP).
- A 4th param `index` controls how results are returned:
- A 4th param `index` controls how results are returned:
Passing a string will index all results by that key e.g. `civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 'id')` will index by id.
-Passing a string will index all results by that key e.g. `civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 'id')` will index by id.
Passing a number will return the result at that index e.g. `civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 0)` will return the first result and is the same as `\Civi\Api4\Contact::get()->execute()->first()`. `-1` is the equivalent of `$result->last()`.
-Passing a number will return the result at that index e.g. `civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 0)` will return the first result and is the same as `\Civi\Api4\Contact::get()->execute()->first()`. `-1` is the equivalent of `$result->last()`.
## Actions
## Actions
-`Get` no longer sets a default limit of 25 outside the api explorer.
-For `Get`, the default `limit` has changed. If you send an API call without an explicit limit, then it will return *all* records. (In v3, it would silently apply a default of 25.) However, if you use the API Explorer, it will *recommend* a default limit of 25.
- The `Create` action is now only used for creating new items (no more implicit update by passing an id to v3 `create`).
- The `Create` action is now only used for creating *new* items (no more implicit update by passing an id to v3 `create`).
- The `Save` action in v4 is most similar to v3's `create` - it accepts one or more records to create or update, infering the action based on the presence of `id` in each record.
- The `Save` action in v4 is most similar to v3's `create` - it accepts one or more records to create or update, infering the action based on the presence of `id` in each record.
-`Update` and `Delete` can be performed on multiple items at once by specifying a `where` clause, vs a single item by id in v3.
-`Update` and `Delete` can be performed on multiple items at once by specifying a `where` clause, vs a single item by id in v3.
-`getsingle` is gone, use `$result->first()` or `index``0`.
-`getsingle` is gone, use `$result->first()` or `index``0`.
-`getoptions` is no longer a standalone action, but part of `getFields`.
-`getoptions` is no longer a standalone action, but part of `getFields`.
## Output
## Output
- Output is an array with object properties rather than a nested array.
- Output is an object (`Result` aka [`ArrayObject`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.arrayobject.php)) rather than a plain `array`.
- In PHP, you can `foreach` the results arrayObject directly, or you can call methods on it like `$result->first()` or `$result->indexBy('foo')`.
- In PHP, you can iterate over the `ArrayObject` (`foreach ($myResult as $record)`), or you can call methods like `$result->first()` or `$result->indexBy('foo')`.
- By default, results are indexed sequentially like api3 `sequential => 1`, but the `index` param or `indexBy()` method let you change that.
- By default, results are indexed sequentially (`0,1,2,3,...` - like APIv3's `sequential => 1`). You may optionally index by `id`, `name`, or any other field, as in:
e.g. `civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 'id')` or `\Civi\Api4\Contact::get()->execute()->indexBy('id')` will index results by id.
- (Procedural-style; use `$index` parameter): `civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', [], 'id')`
- (OOP-style; use `indexBy()` method): `\Civi\Api4\Contact::get()->execute()->indexBy('id')`
## Input
## Input
- Instead of a single `$params` array containing a mishmash of fields, options and parameters, each api4 parameters is distinct (see section on Params below).
- Instead of a single `$params` array containing a mishmash of fields, options and parameters, each APIv4 parameter is distinct (see section on Params below).
- Custom fields are refered to by name rather than id. E.g. use `constituent_information.Most_Important_Issue` instead of `custom_4`.
- Custom fields are refered to by name rather than id. E.g. use `constituent_information.Most_Important_Issue` instead of `custom_4`.