@@ -16,17 +16,127 @@ If the contact has multiple locations, a location preference may be set for each
Note that a contact may only have one subscription record for the group, so the mailing will go to at most one of the contact's email addresses.
## Tokens
## Tokens (#tokens)
In 4.7+ there was major changes to the Scheduled Reminders facility which also included changes to CiviMail in so far as how tokens are generated. There is a move to use more of the `Civi\Token\TokenProcessor` sub system as this is more robust. However there have been compatibility layers built in to use the older `CRM_Utils_Token` processors. Developers should aim to work off the `Civi\Token\TokenProcessor` where possible. However there are still some systems that haven't been refactored. Some of the key functions in the older systems are.
CiviCRM's token functionality originates in CiviMail, which focuses on writing and delivering newsletters to large constituencies. In its original form, the design placed heavy weight on:
-**Performance**: Divide mail-composition into batches and split the batches among parallel workers. Moreover, when processing each batch, improve efficiency by minimizing the #SQL queries - i.e. fetch all records in a batch at once, and only fetch columns which are actually used.
-**Security**: Do not trust email authors with a fully programmable language.
-**Contact Records**: The main data for mail-merge came from contact records. Other data (contribution, event, participant, membership, etc) were not applicable.
Over time, the token functionality evolved:
- Add optional support for more powerful templates with conditions and loops (Smarty). (In the case of CiviMail, this was still disabled by default as a security consideration, but in other use-cases it might be enabled by default.)
- Add a hook for custom tokens.
- Expand to other applications, such as individual mailings, print letters, receipts for contributions, and scheduled reminders.
As the use-cases grew, techniques from the original CiviMail code were duplicated and adapted, leading to a lengthy idiom which looks a bit like this:
-`CRM_Utils_Token::getTokens` - Retrieves an array of tokens contained in the given string e.g. HTML of an email
-`CRM_Utils_Token::getRequiredTokens` - What are the minimum required tokens for CiviMail
-`CRM_Utils_Token::requiredTokens` - Check that the required tokens are there
-`CRM_Utils_Token::&replace<type>Tokens` - Replaces x type of Tokens where x is User, Contact, Action, Resubscribe etc
-`CRM_Utils_Token::get<type>TokenReplcaement` - Format and escape for use in Smarty the found content for Tokens for x type. This is usually called within `CRM_Utils_Token::&replace<type>Tokens`
-`CRM_Utils_Token::get<type>TokenReplacement` - Format and escape for use in Smarty the found content for Tokens for x type. This is usually called within `CRM_Utils_Token::&replace<type>Tokens`
In 4.7+ there was major changes to the Scheduled Reminders facility which also included potentail changes to CiviMail in so far as how tokens are generated see [CRM-13244](https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-13244). There is a move to use more of the `Civi\Token\TokenProcessor` sub system as this is more robust. However there have been compatibility layers built in to use the older `CRM_Utils_Token` processors. Developers should aim to work off the `Civi\Token\TokenProcessor` where possible. However there are still some systems that haven't been refactored. Some of the key functions in the older systems are.
Extension Authors are also able to extend the list of tokens by implement ["hook_civicrm_tokens"](/hooks/hook_civicrm_tokens.md). The content of the custom token needs to be set with ["hook_civicrm_tokenValues"](/hooks/hook_civicrm_tokenValues.md).
This new system of generating content for tokens has a number of advantages
- Decreases the number of SQL Queries
- Is not as tightly coupled with the one templating engine
The basic process in the new subsystem is
- Whenever an application's controller (e.g. for CiviMail or PDFs or scheduled reminders) needs to work with tokens, it instantiates `Civi\Token\TokenProcessor`.
- The `controller` passes some information to `TokenProcessor` – namely, the `$context` and the list of `$rows`.
- The `TokenProcessor` fires an event (`TOKEN_EVALUATE`). Other modules respond with the actual token content.
- For each of the rows, the controller requests a rendered blob of text.
// Lookup/compose any tokens which are referenced in the message.
// e.g. SELECT id, display_name FROM civicrm_contact WHERE id IN (...contextual contact ids...);
// Display mail-merge data.
### Entending the Token system
In the old system the standard way extension authors would extend the list of tokens by implement ["hook_civicrm_tokens"](/hooks/hook_civicrm_tokens.md). The content of the custom token needs to be set with ["hook_civicrm_tokenValues"](/hooks/hook_civicrm_tokenValues.md).
To utilise the newer method extension authors should implement code similar to the following. This is able to be done because when executing `TokenProcessor::evaluate()`, the processor dispatches an event so that other classes may define token content.
-`$row->context['...']` returns contextual data, regardless of whether you declared it at the row level or the processor level.
- To update a row's data, use the `context()` and `tokens()` methods. To read a row's data, use the $context and $tokens properties. These interfaces support several notations, which are described in the TokenRow class.
- You have control over the loop. You can do individual data-lookups in the loop (for simplicity) – or you can also do prefetches and batched lookups (for performance).
- The class `\Civi\Token\AbstractTokenSubscriber` provides a more structured/opinionated way to handle these events.
- For background on the `event dispatcher` (e.g. `listeners` vs subscribers), see [Symphony Documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/event_dispatcher/introduction.html)
### Required Tokens
@@ -143,7 +253,9 @@ Job `status` can take one of 5 states.
4.`Paused`: A job can only be marked paused by the admin interface. The mailer will not act on paused jobs.
5.`Canceled`: Like paused, but cannot be placed back in the `Running` state.
## Events
## Inbound CiviMail Events
Events within CiviMail are usually designed as where CiviMail receieves something back follwoing an email and does som processing
- Delivery
- Registered after a successful SMTP transaction.
@@ -153,3 +265,19 @@ Job `status` can take one of 5 states.
- Action:
- Add a new row in `Mailing_Event_Bounce` with the `queue_id`, `bounce_type` and `bounce_reason` returned by the bounce processor
- Count the bounce events for `email_id` and compare with the `hold_threshold` for the matching bounce type. If the email address has more than the threshold of any type of bounce, place it on bounce hold.
- Unsbuscribe
- Registered after either a Successful SMTP transacftion or submission on the usubscribe webform
- Action
- Removes the contact from the group leaving a note in the `civicrm_subscription_history` table indicating it was from an email and when it happend
- Add a row in `mailing_event_unsbuscribe` setting the `is_domain = 0` for the new row.
- Opt Out
- Registered after a successful SMTP transaction or on submisssion of the opt out form
- Action
- Adds a row in `mailing_event_unsubscrive` setting `is_domain = 1`.
- Updaes the `is_opt_out` field to 1 for the contact
- tracking url
- Regisreted when a successfull webrequest is recieved and processed
- Action adds a row into `mailing_event_trackable_url` with the current date and the `url_id` that was clicked
- Reply
- Registered when CiviMail successfully processes an SMTP transaction