-[Mattermost](https://chat.civicrm.org) offers live discussion in chat rooms and direct messages. It's a great place to go for any technical questions. Here, with a bit of luck, you'll often find an instant answer to your question or a pointer in the right direction. Definitely go here if you feel like you are banging your head against a wall.
-[Stack Exchange](http://civicrm.stackexchange.com/) - Question & answer site covering a range of topics relevant to developers and users. It is a great place to find answers to the millions of questions that have already been asked about CiviCRM, and to ask ones that haven't been asked already.
The content for each of these books is written in [markdown](/markdownrules.md), stored in text files, and hosted in a repository on GitHub. Then, the books are automatically published to **docs.civicrm.org** using our custom [documentation infrastructure](https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-docs).
We are using [MkDocs](http://www.mkdocs.org) to produce books. The content for each of these books is written in [markdown](/markdownrules.md), stored in text files, and hosted in a repository on GitHub. Then, the books are automatically published to [docs.civicrm.org](https://docs.civicrm.org) using our custom [publishing system](https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-docs).
### Languages
As shown above, a book can have multiple languages, and we use separate repositories for different languages.
A book can have multiple languages, and we use separate repositories for different languages.
### Versions
@@ -128,7 +106,3 @@ The most advanced way to work on a book is to use git to download all the markdo
1. When you are happy with your edits, use git to commit and push your changes up to your fork. Then submit a pull request on GitHub.