Data-entry forms in CiviCRM use an extended variation of [PEAR]({.external-link}'s `HTML_QuickForm` system. In QuickForm, a web developer defines a new form by creating a "Form" class which implements certain methods (such as "buildForm") and which calls methods to add new form fields (or "elements"). Reference materials for the main QuickForm system can be found online:
These basic elements can be added using `CRM_Core_Form()->add()`
| Type | Notes |
| --- | --- |
| text | |
| textarea | |
| select | give it css class "crm-select2" to add select2 widget |
| advcheckbox | like "checkbox" element but normalizes data in postProcess |
| radio | |
| group | mainly useful to contain radios, see addRadio extended method |
| hidden | does not need to be added to the template |
| advmultiselect | takes up a lot of space - consider using select.crm-select2 |
| submit | |
| password | |
### Extended Types
`CRM_Core_Form` includes methods to add special types or sets of form elements not included in basic quickform. See code-level function documentation for details.
| Method | Used For | Notes |
| --- | --- | --- |
| addButtons | form submit buttons | |
| addRado | set of radio buttons | |
| addYesNo | radio buttons with preset 'Yes' & 'No' options | |
| addCheckbox | set of checkboxes | |
| addDateRange | set of "to" and "from" dates | requires an extra template to be included |
| addSelect | autogenerate a select, fetching title and option list from metadata | uses "select2" widget. also adds an "edit options" button visible to admin users *note: to add a select2 that references an entity, see **addEntityRef** below* |
| addProfileSelector | widget by which users can select, create and edit a profile form | requires extra javascript files added using `CRM_Core_Resources` |
| addSelectOther | select or other option | requires extra javascript in the template |
| addUploadElement | file upload | |
| addCurrency | select currency | |
| addMoney | money field + select currency | |
| addEntityRef | autocomplete select of contacts, tags, events, etc. | [EntityRef documentation](/confluence/display/CRMDOC/EntityRef+Fields) |
#### Deprecated Form Elements
| Method | Used For | Notes |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ~~addDate~~ | datepicker element | Use `$form()->add('datepicker', ...)` instead. |
| ~~addDateTime~~ | datepicker with time element | Use `$form()->add('datepicker', ...)` instead. |
| ~~addWysiwyg~~ | rich text area | Removed: Use `$form()->add("wysiwyg", ... )` instead. |
| ~~addCountry~~ | country select field | Removed. |
## Request Lifecycle

CiviCRM provides a more nuanced request lifecycle than traditional `HTML_QuickForm`. This extended request lifecycle allows the original web developer to create the form using a class – and allows third-party developers to modify the form using hooks. The request lifecycle is divided into a few phases, and each phase may have multiple steps. The phases and steps are presented in sequence:
Build Phase - Generate a set of HTML form fields (`$form->addElement()`, `$form->add()`, etc) and validation rules (`$form->addFormRule()`) to the form. (Note: The "Build" phase runs during the initial GET request and the subsequent POST request.)
| Step | Audience | Comments |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `CRM_Core_Form::preProcess` (override) | Original Developer | In any subclass of `CRM_Core_Form`, the `preProcess()` function can be overridden. |
| `CRM_Core_Form::buildQuickForm` (override) | Original Developer | In any subclass of `CRM_Core_Form`, the `buildQuickForm()` function can be overridden. |
| `CRM_Core_Form::addRules` (override) | Original Developer | In any subclass of `CRM_Core_Form`, the `addRules()` function can be overridden.
Validate Phase - Examine submitted form data to determine validity. (Note: The "Validation" phase runs during the POST request.)
| Step | Audience | Comments |
| --- | --- | --- |
| (Process rules) | Original Developer & Third-Party Developer | Iteratively process any rules that here added during the "build" phase (i.e. call any callbacks registered via `$form()->addFormRule()`). |
| [hook_civicrm_validate()](/hook/hook_civicrm_validate) | Third-Party Developer | (Note: This is similar to `hook_civicrm_validateForm` but older) |
| [hook_civicrm_validateForm()](/hook/hook_civicrm_validateForm) | Third-Party Developer | (Note: This is similar to `hook_civicrm_validate`; added in CiviCRM v4.2) |
Process Phase - Save the data, execute business logic, etc. (Note: The "Process" phase runs during the POST request – but only if the "Validation" was successful)
| Step | Audience | Comments |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `CRM_Core_Form::postProcess` (override) | Original Developer | In any subclass of `CRM_Core_Form`, the `postProcess()` function can be overridden. |