| contribution-confirm-billing-block| Information related to the payment method used (eg. credit card last 4 digits/expiry date)| CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Confirm.tpl | 4.3.0+ |
| contribution-thankyou-billing-block| Information related to the payment method used (eg. credit card last 4 digits/expiry date)| CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/ThankYou.tpl | 4.3.0+ |
| event-confirm-billing-block| Information related to the payment method used (eg. credit card last 4 digits/expiry date)| CRM/Event/Form/Registration/Confirm.tpl | 5.13+ |
| event-thankyou-billing-block| Information related to the payment method used (eg. credit card last 4 digits/expiry date)| CRM/Event/Form/Registration/ThankYou.tpl | 5.13+ |