| `configAndLogDir` | `[civicrm.files]/ConfigAndLog` | Prohibit all web access | Writes and reads should be infrequent, unless there are errors/warnings.
| `imageUploadDir`| `[civicrm.files]/persist/contribute` | Allow file reads but prohibit directory listing | Writes and reads vary widely (depending on use-case/config).
| `templateCompileDir` | `[civicrm.files]/templates_c` | Prohibit all web access | Writes should be infrequent. Reads are very frequent.
| `uploadDir`| `[civicrm.files]/upload` | Prohibit all web access | Writes and reads vary widely (depending on use-case/config).
| `customFileUploadDir` | `[civicrm.files]/custom`| Prohibit all web access | Writes and reads vary widely (depending on use-case/config).
| `extensionsDir` | `[civicrm.files]/ext` | Allow file reads but prohibit directory listing | Writes should be infrequent. Reads are very frequent.
| `configAndLogDir` | `[civicrm.files]/ConfigAndLog` | Prohibit all web access | Stores log files. Writes and reads should be infrequent, unless there are errors/warnings.
| `customFileUploadDir` | `[civicrm.files]/custom` | Prohibit all web access | Stores sensitive uploads (such as custom-field attachments). Writes and reads vary widely (depending on use-case/config).
| `extensionsDir` | `[civicrm.files]/ext` | Allow file reads but prohibit directory listing | Stores downloaded extensions. Writes should be infrequent. Reads are very frequent. In hardened systems, this may be readonly or disabled.
| `imageUploadDir` | `[civicrm.files]/persist/contribute` | Allow file reads but prohibit directory listing | Stores uploaded or autogenerated media (images/css/etc). Writes and reads vary widely (depending on use-case/config).
| `templateCompileDir` | `[civicrm.files]/templates_c` | Prohibit all web access | Stores autogenerated PHP files. Writes should be infrequent. Reads are very frequent.
| `uploadDir` | `[civicrm.files]/upload` | Prohibit all web access | Temporary files. Writes and reads vary widely (depending on use-case/config).
!!! tip "Advanced filesystem and web server configurations"