1. Run `drush civicrm-upgrade-db` to perform database upgrades.
## Form an opinion about the fix
* The change should make sense for *all users*.
* The change should not take users by surprise.
* Significant changes should add functionality in a generalized way that is configurable.
## Write a review as a comment
Summarize your actions and findings, and recommend specific next steps (e.g. merging or otherwise). In your comment, tag [one of the active contributors](https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/graphs/contributors)(e.g.`@eileenmcnaughton`) so they will see that the PR is ready for further action.
1. Evaluate the change against each of our [review standards](/standards/review.md) criteria.
1. If you like, copy-paste one of the [review templates](/standards/review.md#templates) into your comment and fill out the template.
* If you choose not to use a template, then summarize your actions and findings, and recommend specific next steps (e.g. merging or otherwise).
1. In your comment, tag [one of the active contributors](https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/graphs/contributors)(e.g.`@eileenmcnaughton`) so they will see that the PR is ready for further action.