@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Help is available on individual commands, e.g.,:
civix help civicrm:ping
## Generating a skeletal extension {:#generate-module}
## Generate a skeletal extension {:#generate-module}
To generate a skeletal extension module, we will use `civix generate:module` and pass in the name for our extension. See [here](/extensions/index.md#extension-names) for details of naming conventions.
@@ -489,3 +489,13 @@ The skeletal test class does not do anything useful. For more details on how to
To run the tests see the instructions [for running PHPUnit tests](/testing/phpunit.md#running-tests).
## Upgrade civix {:#upgrade}
What happens when a new version of `civix` comes out? Your extension should continue to work as-is -- after all, `civix` is just a code-generator.
However, if you generate an extension with one version of `civix` (e.g. v16.03), and if you upgrade (e.g. v18.03), and if you run a new generator,
then you *could* encounter problems. This is because generators and templates evolve over time -- in particular, new templates may rely on new
helpers and stubs in `<mymodule>.php` and `<mymodule>.civix.php`.
Fortunately, these changes are rare; they tend to have limited impact; and there's documentation for them. From time-to-time, you should check
[UPGRADE.md](https://github.com/totten/civix/blob/master/UPGRADE.md) for suggestions on updating your code to match the current templates.
@@ -24,3 +24,8 @@ Q: I've tried to generate a page/report/search/upgrader/etc with civix but it's
A: For all of the various types, you must first run [generate:module](http://generatemodule), and then \`cd\` into the folder (e.g. com.example.myextension) before running one of the other \`generate:\` commands.
## Out-of-date templates
Many of the generators in `civix` rely on helpers and stubs defined in `<mymodule>.php` or `<mymodule>.civix.php`. If you
run `civix generate:*` on an older extension and have trouble with the generated code, then review [UPGRADE.md](https://github.com/totten/civix/blob/master/UPGRADE.md)
for (a) general upgrade procedures and (b) a list of specific changes that could require manual attention.
See the [buildkit changelog](https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-buildkit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for info about specific changes to buildkit.
!!! tip "When upgrading `civix`, check upgrade instructions."
If you see an upgrade to `civix` in the changelog, and if you maintain extensions with `civix`,
then check the general [civix upgrade documentation](/extensions/civix.md#upgrade-templates) and [UPGRADE.md](https://github.com/totten/civix/blob/master/UPGRADE.md).