@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ function mymodule_civicrm_buildAsset($asset, $params, &$mimeType, &$content) {
!!! note "Note: Parmaters and caching"
!!! note "Note: Parameters and caching"
Each combination of (`$asset`,`$params`) will be cached separately.
!!! tip "Tip: Economize on parameters"
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ function mymodule_civicrm_buildAsset($asset, $params, &$mimeType, &$content) {
## Other considerations
!!! note "Compare: How does AssetBuilder differ from [Assetic](https://github.com/kriswallsmith/assetic)?"
Both are written in PHP, but they address differet parts of the process:
Both are written in PHP, but they address different parts of the process:
* `AssetBuilder` provides URL-routing, caching, and parameterization.
Its strength is defining a *lazy lifecycle* for the assets.
@@ -141,3 +141,74 @@ function mymodule_civicrm_buildAsset($asset, $params, &$mimeType, &$content) {
It may be possible to fix this by computing URL digests differently, but
(at time of writing) we don't have a need/use-case.
## CSS Example
In this example, we want to use the CiviCRM logo image provided by core in our extension's CSS. Extensions can refer to their own files using relative paths, but given the variety of possible installation locations for both CiviCRM core and extensions then neither relative or absolute paths work to refer to a core file.
Using asset builder, we can create a template file, process it at run time then serve up the result to our page.
// Replace the LOGO_URL token in the file with the actual url
// Note that $content is passed by reference to this hook function
// Set the mimetype appropriately for the type of content
// Note that $mimetype is passed by reference to this hook function
Check it is functioning correctly with:
$ cv ev '$x = \Civi::service("asset_builder")->render("mycss"); echo $x["content"];'
To see the generated URL use:
$ cv ev 'return \Civi::service("asset_builder")->getURL("mycss");'
1. The result is cached normally so this does not add significant overhead.
1. If your extension is providing multiple CSS files, they can be combined and processed together by looping around the `file_get_contents()` line reducing the number of http requests your extension pages need to make.