@@ -27,12 +27,10 @@ If you're a beginning developer looking for easy PRs to review, you might have g
Add a comment to the PR like "Reviewing this now" to let others know that you intend to submit a review.
## Read about the issue
Every PR *should* have an issue ID for [JIRA](https://issues.civicrm.org) linked from the PR's page on GitHub. Read the original issue and understand how to reproduce the problem and what the solution looks like as well.
## Read the code changes
On the PR, click over to “Files Changed” and understand what the code is doing.
@@ -41,14 +39,12 @@ On the PR, click over to “Files Changed” and understand what the code is doi
* Ensure it follows best practices. *(TODO: what best practice?)* (Note: basic code format standards are checked in the automated testing process.)
* Consider whether any additional automated tests might be needed for this change. *(TODO: how should I know?)*
## Reproduce the problem
Confirm which branch the PR was created against. This is probably either `master` or the LTS. Setup an instance locally from that branch (e.g. with [buildkit](https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-buildkit)), or test on the [public demo site if possible](https://civicrm.org/demo). Repeat the steps to reproduce described in the Jira Issue.
Confirm that the issue was a problem and a problem “worth solving”, generally worthy of being in core.
## Reproduce the fix
Confirm that the PR works as advertised by observing the result in the build.
@@ -87,8 +83,8 @@ An easy way to do this is:
1. Install a buildkit site for the latest publicly available release of CiviCRM (*not*`master`). Pass the `--civi-ver` option to civibuild for this.
1. Update the `civicrm` directory files so that the codebase has the changes in the PR (perhaps by using [Hub](https://hub.github.com/) as described above).
1. From the `civicrm` directory, run `./bin/setup.sh -Dg` to update the generated-code
1. Run `drush civicrm-upgrade-db` to perform database upgrades
1. From the `civicrm` directory, run `./bin/setup.sh -Dg` to update the generated-code.
1. Run `drush civicrm-upgrade-db` to perform database upgrades.
## Form an opinion about the fix
@@ -102,5 +98,3 @@ An easy way to do this is:
Summarize your actions and findings, and recommend specific next steps (e.g. merging or otherwise). In your comment, tag [one of the active contributors](https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/graphs/contributors)(e.g.`@eileenmcnaughton`) so they will see that the PR is ready for further action.