@@ -72,3 +72,11 @@ The best way to reap the benefits of publishing your extension is to make it as
It is strongly recommended that you [write unit tests](https://github.com/civicrm/org.civicrm.testapalooza) for the extension and include them in the extension's repository. For an example, see the extension [org.civicrm.exampletests](https://github.com/totten/org.civicrm.exampletests).
Once an extension release meets these criteria, the extension will be approved for automated distribution by a CiviCRM community extension moderator.
## Translation
When an extension is approved for automatic distribution, it will automatically be added to Transifex under the [civicrm_extensions](https://www.transifex.com/civicrm/civicrm_extensions/) project so that any strings in the interface (if there are any) may be translated.
This synchronisation task is run nightly. It also generates the translation files, which may be downloaded with the [l10nupdate](https://github.com/cividesk/com.cividesk.l10n.update) extension or by guessing the URL using the form: