**...and some [other projects](https://lab.civicrm.org/explore/projects)*
GitLab is divided into *groups* containing *projects* which may have *issues*. Issues about CiviCRM itself are opened under projects within the Development Team group.
!!! info "GitLab Issue References"
With all the groups, projects, and issues, you may wonder how to consistently and clearly refer to a GitLab issue in a commit message, pull request, or other conversation. GitLab has a standard style of `group/project#issue`, where `group` is the slug of the group, `project` is the name of the project, and `issue` is the issue number.
For example, `dev/mail#1` refers to issue 1 from the Mailing project of the Development Team.
GitLab displays the issue reference at the bottom of the right-hand column along with a link that copies the reference to your clipboard:

@@ -27,20 +39,17 @@ Used as an issue-tracking system for:
**...and many [other projects](https://github.com/civicrm)*
!!! note
Some projects (e.g. CiviCRM core) have their repository hosted on GitHub but do *not* use the GitHub issue-tracking functionality. For these projects you will notice there is no "Issues" tab.
Some projects (e.g. CiviCRM core) have their repository hosted on GitHub but do *not* use the GitHub issue-tracking functionality. For these projects you will notice there is no "Issues" tab.