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  • # hook_civicrm_links
    ## Description
    This hook is an opportunity to modify action links in CiviCRM.  These
    include the actions at the end of a search result row, the Create New
    dropdown, and the Actions dropdown at the top of a contact record.
    Note: remember to use the string processing functions of your host
    framework ( `ts()` for CiviCRM extensions, `t()` for Drupal modules, etc).
    hook_civicrm_links($op, $objectName, $objectId, &$links, &$mask, &$values)
    -   string `$op` - the context in which the links appear, such as
        ``, `survey.dashboard.row`, or
    -   string `$objectName` - the entity the links relate to (or `NULL` if `$op` is
    -   int `$objectId` - the CiviCRM internal ID of the entity (or `NULL` if `$op`
        is ``)
    -   array `$links` - the links to modify in place
        each item in the array may have:
        -   `name`: the link text
        -   `url`: the link URL base path (like `civicrm/contact/view`, and
            fillable from `$values`)
        -   `qs`: the link URL query parameters to be used by sprintf() with
            $values (like `reset=1&cid=%%id%%` when `$values['id']` is the
        -   `title` (optional): the text that appears when hovering over the
        -   `extra` (optional): additional attributes for the `<a>` tag
            (fillable from `$values`)
        -   `bit` (optional): a binary number that will be fitered by $mask
            (sending nothing as `$links['bit']` means the link will always
        -   `ref` (optional, recommended): a CSS class to apply to the `<a>`
        -   `class` (optional): Any other CSS classes to apply to the `<a>`
    -   int `$mask` - a bitmask that will fiter `$links`
    -   array `$values` - values to fill `$links['url']`, `$links['qs']`, and/or
        `$links['extra']` using `sprintf()`-style percent signs
    ## Returns
    -   `NULL`
    ## Examples
    function MODULENAME_civicrm_links( $op, $objectName, $objectId, &$links, &$mask, &$values ) {
      $myLinks = array();
      switch ($objectName) {
        case 'Contact':
          switch ($op) {
            case '':
              // Adds a link to the main tab.
              $links[] = array(
                'name' => ts('My Module Actions'),
                'url' => 'mymodule/civicrm/actions/%%myObjId%%',
                'title' => 'New Thing',
              $values['myObjId'] = $objectId;
            case 'contact.selector.row':
              // Add a similar thing when a contact appears in a row
              $links[] = array(
                'name' => ts('My Module'),
                'url' => 'mymodule/civicrm/actions/%%myObjId%%',
                'title' => 'New Thing',
                'qs' => 'reset=1&tid=%%thingId%%',
              $values['myObjId'] = $objectId;
              $values['thingId'] = 'mything';
            case '':
              // add link to create new profile
               $links[] = array(
                'url'   => '/civicrm/admin/uf/group?action=add&reset=1',
                'name' => ts('New Profile'), // old extensions using 'title' will still work
      return $myLinks;
    Adding contextual links to the rows of a contact's Events tab and Find
    Participants search result
    function mymodule_civicrm_links( $op, $objectName, $objectId, &$links, &$mask, &$values ) {
      //create a Send Invoice link with the context of the participant's order ID (a custom participant field)
      switch ($objectName) {
        case 'Participant':
          switch ($op) {
            case 'participant.selector.row':
              $cid = $values['cid'];
              $order_id = lg_get_order_id_by_pid($objectId);
              //check if this participant is a student with a parent, for saving the email.
              //if not, fall back to current contact record
              $result = civicrm_api3('Relationship', 'get', array(
                'sequential' => 1,
                'return' => "contact_id_b",
                'relationship_type_id' => 1,
                'contact_id_a' => $cid,
              $parent_id = $result['values'][0]['contact_id_b'];
              if ($parent_id > 0) {
                $cid = $parent_id;
              $links[] = array(
                  'name' => ts('Send Invoice'),
                  'title' => ts('Send Invoice'),
                  'url' => 'civicrm/activity/email/add',
                  'qs' => "action=add&reset=1&cid=$cid&selectedChild=activity&atype=3&order_id=$order_id"
    function lg_get_order_id_by_pid($pid) {
      $result = civicrm_api3('Participant', 'get', array(
        'sequential' => 1,
        'return' => "custom_11",
        'id' => $pid,
      return $result['values'][0]['custom_11'];