## Tools included with buildkit {:#with-buildkit}
When you install [buildkit](/tools/ you'll get all these tools.
*This list of tools is also maintained [in the buildkit readme file](*
### CiviCRM-specific tools {:#civicrm-specific}
* `civibuild` - Build a complete source tree (with CMS+Civi+addons), provision httpd/sql, etc.
* *[repository](*
* `cv` - command is a utility for interacting with a CiviCRM installation
* *documentation: run `cv list`*
* *[repository](*
* `civix` - Generate skeletal code for CiviCRM extensions
* *[repository](*
* `civistrings` - Scan code for translatable strings (*.pot)
* *documentation: run `civistrings --help`*
* *[repository](*
* `cividist` - Generate tarballs from a series of git branches/tags
* *repository: [within civicrm-buildkit](*
* `gitify` - Convert a CiviCRM installation to a git repo
* *documentation: run `gitify` with no arguments*
* *repository: [within civicrm-buildkit](*
* `civilint` - Check the syntax of uncommitted files using `phpcs`, `jshint`, etc.
* *documentation: run `civilint` with no arguments*
* *repository: [within civicrm-buildkit](*
* `civihydra` - Create a series test sites for several CMSs (extends `civibuild`)
* *documentation: run `civihydra` with no arguments*
* *repository: [within civicrm-buildkit](*
* `civicrm-upgrade-test` - Scripts and data files for testing upgrades
* *[documentation& repository](*
* Coder - Configure phpcs for CiviCRM's [coding standards](
* *[documentation & repository](*
* *(Derived from [Drupal's coder project](*
### External tools installed with buildkit {:#external}
These tools are not specific to CiviCRM, so you may already have some of them installed on your system. If you install [buildkit](/tools/ you'll get all these tools at once, in addition to the CiviCRM-specific tools listed above.
* Dependency management
* [composer]( - Manage dependencies for PHP code.
* [bower]( - Manage dependencies for Javascript code.
* Source code management
* [git-scan]( - Manage a large number of git repositories.
* [hub]( - Send commands to
* Source code quality
* [jshint]( - Check the syntax of Javascript files.
* [phpcs]( - Check the syntax of PHP files.
* Site management
* [amp]( - Abstracted interface for local httpd/sql service (Apache/nginx/MySQL).
* [drush]( - Administer a Drupal site.
* [joomla]( (joomla-console) - Administer a Joomla site.
* [wp]( (wp-cli) - Administer a WordPress site.
* Testing
* [karma]( (w/[jasmine]( - Unit testing for Javascript.
* [paratest]( - Parallelized version of PHPUnit.
* [phpunit]( - Unit testing for PHP (with Selenium and DB add-ons).
## Other useful tools {:#other}
### Miscellaneous {:#misc}
* [git]( - version control system
* [psysh]( - a reply-echo-print-loop for PHP (like `php -a`, but better)
* [MySQL Workbench]( - A graphical interface to your local (or remote) MySQL server
* [MkDocs]( - for [editing documentation](/documentation/
If you already have a text editor you love, then stick to that. If you're new and need some recommendations, here are some of the most popular text editors among CiviCRM developers:
* [PhpStorm]( *(See [CiviCRM-specific notes on PhpStorm](/tools/*
* [NetBeans](
* [Sublime](
* [Atom](
* [vim](