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  • # civibuild
    Creating a full development environment for CiviCRM requires a lot of work, e.g.
     * Downloading / installing / configuring a CMS (Drupal, Joomla, WordPress)
     * Downloading / installing / configuring CiviCRM
     * Configuring Apache and MySQL
     * Configuring file permissions on data folders
     * Configuring a headless test database for phpunit
     * Configuring Selenium to connect to Civi
    The *civibuild* command automates this process. It includes different
    build-types that are useful for core development, such as *drupal-clean* (a
    barebones Drupal+Civi site) and *wp-demo* (a WordPress+Civi site with some
    example content).
    Note: There are a number of build tools on the market which can, e.g.,
    create a Drupal web site (like [drush]( or WordPress web
    site (like [wp-cli](  Civibuild does not aim to replace
    these.  Unfortunately, such tools generally require extra work for a Civi
    developer environment.  Civibuild works with these tools and and fills
    in missing parts.
    ## Build Types
    `civibuild` includes a small library of build scripts for different
    For a list of available build-types as well as documentation on writing build scripts,
    see `app/config` within your buildkit installation.
    For example, at time of writing, it includes:
    * `backdrop-clean`: A bare, "out-of-the-box" installation of Backdrop+CiviCRM
    * `backdrop-demo`: A demo site running Backdrop and CiviCRM
    * `backdrop-empty`: An empty Backdrop site (without CiviCRM). Useful for testing tarball installation.
    * `drupal8-clean`: A bare, "Out of the box" Installation of Druapl8+CiviCRM.
    * `druapl8-demo` : A demo site running Drupal8 and CiviCRM.
    * `drupal-clean`: A bare, "out-of-the-box" installation of Drupal+CiviCRM.
    * `drupal-demo`: A demo site running Drupal and CiviCRM.
    * `drupal-empty`: An empty Drupal site (without CiviCRM). Useful for testing tarball installation.
    * `joomla-empty`: An empty Joomla site (without CiviCRM). Useful for testing tarball installation.
    * `wp-demo`: A demo site running WordPress and CiviCRM
    * `wp-empty`: An empty WordPress site (without CiviCRM). Useful for testing tarball installation.
    * `hrdemo` A demo site running Drupal, CiviCRM, and CiviHR
    * `symfony`: An experimental hybrid site running Drupal 7, Symfony 2, and CiviCRM
    * `cxnapp`: A self-signed CiviConnect app based on the reference implementation.
    * `messages`: A backend service for delivering in-app messages (eg "Getting Started").
    * `extdir`: A mock website akin to . Useful for testing the extension download process.
    * `dist`: A website containing nightly builds akin to Useful for preparing CiviCRM tarballs.
    * `distmgr`: A service which manages redirects and report-backs for the download site.
    * `l10n`: WIP - A build environment for creating translation files.
    * `joomla-demo`: WIP/incomplete/broken
    Build types can be mixed/matched with different versions of Civi, e.g.
    $ civibuild create my-drupal-civi47 \
      --type drupal-demo \
      --civi-ver master \
      --url http://my-drupal-civi47.localhost
    $ civibuild create my-drupal-civi46 \
      --type drupal-demo \
      --civi-ver 4.6 \
      --url http://my-drupal-civi46.localhost
    $ civibuild create my-wordpress-civi4719 \
      --type wp-demo \
      --civi-ver 4.7.19 \
      --cms-ver 4.0 \
      --url http://my-wp-civi4719.localhost
    The `--civi-ver` argument will accept any branch or version tag.  *Note: the 4.7 version is in the `master` branch.*.
    You can also specify `--patch` with a pull request URL to apply those changes on top of your CiviCRM version.
    ## Build Aliases
    For developers who work with several CMSs and several versions of Civi, it's
    useful to have a naming convention and shorthand for the most common
    configurations.  Civibuild includes aliases (in `src/`)
    like "d44" and "wpmaster":
    Create a build "d44" using build-type "drupal-demo" with Civi "4.4"
    $ civibuild create d44 --url http://d44.localhost
    Create a build "d45" using build-type "drupal-demo" with Civi "4.5"
    $ civibuild create d45 --url http://d45.localhost
    Create a build "wp45" using build-type "wp-demo" with Civi "4.5"
    $ civibuild create wp45 --url http://wp45.localhost
    Create a build "wpmaster" using build-type "wp-demo" with Civi's "master" branch
    $ civibuild create wpmaster --url http://wpmaster.localhost
    These aliases exactly match the demo sites deployed under (e.g.
    "wp45" produces the demo site "").
    ## Upgrading a site you installed with civibuild {:#upgrade-site}
    If you have a working civibuild site and you'd like to upgrade CiviCRM to the latest version, follow these steps:
    ### Begin in the civicrm directory within your site {:#upgrade-site-begin}
    cd ~/buildkit/build/dmaster/sites/all/modules/civicrm/
    !!! note
    totten's avatar
    totten committed
        The path to this directory will vary depending on where you installed buildkit and what CMS your site uses.
    ### Check the status of all git repos {:#upgrade-site-git-scan}
    totten's avatar
    totten committed
    There are multiple git repos in your build (`civicrm-core.git`, `civicrm-packages.git`, etal). Before making a major switch, first double-check that all of these repos are in sane condition — i.e. there shouldn't be any uncommitted changes, and the repos should be on normal branches. For this purpose, use [git-scan]( (installed with [buildkit](/tools/
    git scan status
    !!! fail "Check for errors"
        If you see a message like *"Fast-forwards are not possible"* or *"Modifications have not been committed"*, then you'll need to clean up these git repositories before proceeding.
    ### Update the git repos {:#upgrade-site-git-scan-up}
    To update to the latest version of a particular branch, use `git scan up` which will perform a standard "fast-forward merge" (`git pull --ff-only`) across all the repos:
    git scan up
    !!! tip
        If you didn't cleanup earlier, then "fast-forward" may not be possible. It takes some judgment to decide what to do — e.g. a "merge" versus "rebase". Rather than risk a wrong decision, `git scan` will skip these repos and display warnings instead.)
    Alternatively, if you'd like to hop to a specific tag, you can use `givi` (a tool included with [buildkit](/tools/, but keep in mind that if you hop to a *previous* tag with code that expects a different database scheme, there will be no way to run database downgrades.
    ### Update the generated code, config files, databases {:#upgrade-site-update}
    Reinstalling will recreate/overwrite all generated-code, config-files, and database content. Any data you put into your site (e.g. test contacts, etc) will be lost.
    civibuild reinstall dmaster
    Alternatively, if you care about the content in the database, then don't do a reinstall. Instead, update the generated-code and perform a DB upgrade:
    ./bin/ -Dg
    drush civicrm-upgrade-db
    ## Downgrading a site you installed with civibuild {:#downgrade-site}
    If you are [reviewing a pull request](/core/ you may wish to *downgrade* a civibuild site in order to begin replicating the issue and testing the fix. Currently this is **not possible** with civibuild, so instead you will need to do a [rebuild](#rebuild) with the the `--civi-ver` argument to specify your target version of CiviCRM.
    If you're interested in working on the build types or build process, then the workflow will consist of alternating two basic steps: (1) editing build scripts and (2) rebuilding. Rebuilds may take a few minutes, so it's helpful to choose the fastest type of rebuild that will meet your needs.
    There are four variations on rebuilding. In order of fastest (least thorough) to slowest (most thorough):
        <th>Civibuild Metadata</th>
        <th>Civi+CMS Code</th>
        <th>Civi+CMS Config</th>
        <th>Civi+CMS DB</th>
        <td><b>civibuild restore &lt;name&gt;</b></td>
        <td>Restore DB from pristine SQL snapshot</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td><b>civibuild reinstall &lt;name&gt;</b></td>
        <td>Rerun CMS+Civi "install" process</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td><b>civibuild create &lt;name&gt; --force</b></td>
        <td>Create site, overwriting any files or DBs</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td><b>civibuild destroy &lt;name&gt; ; civibuild create &lt;name&gt;</b></td>
        <td>Thoroughly destroy and recreate everything</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
        <td>Destroy / Recreate</td>
    ### civicrm.settings.d folders {:#settings-civicrm}
    Civibuild provides a mechanism to quickly add settings to *all sites* which you've built with civibuild.
    For example, you can create a file `/etc/civicrm.settings.d/300-debug.php` with the following content to enable debugging and backtraces for all civibuild sites (useful for local development).
    $GLOBALS['civicrm_setting']['domain']['debug_enabled'] = 1;
    $GLOBALS['civicrm_setting']['domain']['backtrace'] = 1;
    Any settings which you would typically put in your site's `civicrm.settings.php` file can go into a php file (you choose the file name) in a `civicrm.settings.d` folder. 
    Civibuild will check the following `civicrm.settings.d` folders.
    | Folder | Purpose |
    | -- | -- |
    | `$PRJDIR/app/civicrm.settings.d/` | General defaults provided by upstream buildkit for all civibuild sites |
    | `$PRJDIR/app/config/$TYPE/civicrm.settings.d/` | General defaults provided by upstream buildkit for specific types of sites |
    | `/etc/civicrm.settings.d/` | Overrides provided by the sysadmin for the local server |
    | `$SITE_DIR/civicrm.settings.d/` | Overrides provided for a specific site/build |
    !!! note "Load order"
        For concrete example, suppose we have these files:
         * `$PRJDIR/app/civicrm.settings.d/200-two.php`
         * `$PRJDIR/app/civicrm.settings.d/300-three.php`
         * `/etc/civicrm.settings.d/100-one.php`
         * `/etc/civicrm.settings.d/300-three.php`
        Then we would execute/load in this order:
         * `100-one.php` (specifically `/etc/civicrm.settings.d/100-one.php`; this is the only version of `100-one.php`)
         * `200-two.php` (specifically `$PRJDIR/app/civicrm.settings.d/200-two.php`; this is the only version of `200-two.php`)
         * `300-three.php` (specifically `/etc/civicrm.settings.d/300-three.php`; the system configuration in `/etc` overrides the stock code in `$PRJDIR/app/civicrm.settings.d`)
    The `$PRJDIR/app/civicrm.settings.d/` also contains some [example configuration files]( For more advanced logic, one can look at the global `$civibuild` variable or at any of the standard CiviCRM configuration directives. 
    ### settings.php; wp-config.php {:#settings-cms}
    Each CMS includes a settings file that is analogous to
    `civicrm.settings.php`. These follow a parallel structure -- which
    means that you can put extra config files in:
     * [backdrop.settings.d]( (Backdrop)
     * [drupal.settings.d]( (Drupal)
     * [wp-config.d]( (WordPress)
    ### civibuild.conf {:#settings-civibuild}
    If you frequently call `civibuild`, you may find that the argument list
    becomes fairly long (e.g.  `--url http://example.localhost --admin-user
    myadmin --admin-pass mypass --demo-user mydemo --demo-pass mypass ...`).
    totten's avatar
    totten committed
    To set default values for these parameters, create and edit the file `civibuild.conf`:
    cp app/civibuild.conf.tmpl app/civibuild.conf
    totten's avatar
    totten committed
    vi app/civibuild.conf
    totten's avatar
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    The template includes documentation and examples.
    ### Applying a patch
    Using buildkit, you can create a CiviCRM environment with the PR applied.
    For example:
    civibuild create dmaster \
      --url http://localhost:8001 \
      --patch \
      --admin-pass s3cr3t
    This will create a test environment with the Drupal, CiviCRM master branch
    and the patch in PR 8494. 
    ### Experimental: Multiple demo/training sites {:#demo-training}
    When creating a batch of identical sites for training or demonstrations,
    one may want to create a single source-code-build with several
    databases/websites running on top (using "Drupal multi-site"). To install
    extra sites,  use the notation "civibuild create buildname/site-id" as in:
    Create the original build
    $ civibuild create training --type drupal-demo --civi-ver 4.5 --url --admin-pass s3cr3t
    Create additional sites (01 - 03)
    $ civibuild create training/01 --url --admin-pass s3cr3t
    $ civibuild create training/02 --url --admin-pass s3cr3t
    $ civibuild create training/03 --url --admin-pass s3cr3t
    Alternatively, create additional sites (01 - 20)
    $ for num in $(seq -w 1 20) ; do
      civibuild create training/${num} --url http://demo${num} --admin-pass s3cr3t
    ## Development/Testing of `civibuild` {:#development}
    The tests for `civibuild` are stored in `tests/phpunit`.  These are
    integration tests which create and destroy real builds on the local system.
    To run them:
    * Configure `amp` (as above)
    * Ensure that a test site is configured (`civibuild create civibild-test --type empty`)
    * Run `phpunit4` or `env DEBUG=1 OFFLINE=1 phpunit4`
        * Note that the tests accept some optional environment variables:
            * `DEBUG=1` - Display command output as it runs
            * `OFFLINE=1` - Try to avoid unnecessary network traffic
    ## Credits
    Some content on this page was migrated from other sources, including:
    * "Upgrading a site" from [Tim Otten's StackExchange answer](