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    # Writing Documentation
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
    To *read* documentation, go to []( for the most high-level list of all active documentation.
    Ron Painter's avatar
    Ron Painter committed
    This page describes the details of the documentation systems within CiviCRM and how to contribute. We also have a more [basic overview]( on how to contribute to this guide or the user guide. 
    !!! note "Note: the wiki is not covered here"
        The [wiki] has historically been CiviCRM's documentation system but is currently being phased out. As of early 2017, documentation is still somewhat split between the wiki the the guides described below, but we are working to eventually consolidate *all* documentation into guides. A [migration process][migration] is currently underway for this Developer Guide, and a process will [likely]( follow for a dedicated Administrator Guide, as well as [extension guides](
        The rest of **this page describes guides only** and does *not* cover documentation processes that involve the wiki.
    ## Guides in MkDocs
    We are using [MkDocs]( to produce guides. The content for each of these guides is written in [markdown](/documentation/, stored in text files, and hosted in a repository on GitHub. Then, the guides are automatically published to []( using our custom [publishing system](
    In an effort to maintain documentation anchored to specific versions of CiviCRM, some guides store separate versions of the documentation in different *branches* within the repository.
    <!-- TODO: clarify "latest" vs "stable" vs "master" -->
    If you're improving current documentation, please edit the `master` branch, which will be periodically merged into other branches as needed.
    In rarer cases, if you have an edit that pertains to a specific version, (e.g. documentation about a feature in an *older* version of CiviCRM, which does not require documentation in the latest version), then please edit the branch corresponding to that version.
    A guide can have multiple languages, and we use separate repositories for different languages. For example, you can click *See all X editions* and find the repositories for additional languages.
    ## Contributing to documentation
    We welcome contributions, small and large, to documentation!
    ### Resources:
    Before diving into editing, you may find helpful information within the following resources:
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
    - [Markdown syntax](/documentation/ - necessary (but simple) syntax to format content
    - [Markdown code standards](/documentation/ - recommendations for markdown syntax to use
    - [Style guide](/documentation/ - to maintain consistent language and formatting
    - [Documentation chat room]( - live discussion, fast (most of the time) answers to your questions
    - [Documentation mailing list]( - low traffic, mostly used for informational updates regarding documentation projects
    ### Submitting issues
    The simplest way to help out is to *describe* a change that you think *should* be made by writing a new issue in the issue queue for the GitHub guide you are reading. Then someone will see your issue and act on it, hopefully fast. Each guide has its own issue queue. First find the GitHub repository for the guide (listed in the above table), then when viewing on GitHub, click on "Issues". You will need an account on GitHub to submit a new issue, but creating one is quick and free.
    Please see the documentation for editing with Git in the [CiviCRM user guide](
    ### Testing locally with MkDocs {:#mkdocs}
    The most advanced way to work on a guide is to use git to download all the markdown files to your computer, edit them locally, preview the changes with [MkDocs](, then use git to push those changes to your personal fork, and finally make a "pull request" on the main repository. This approach makes editing very fast and easy, but does require a bit of setup, and some knowledge of how git works.
    1.  Obtain the source files for the guide you want to edit
        1.  Find the repository on GitHub *(see "repository" links above, or the "GitHub" link on the bottom left of screen of the documentation you are reading)*
        1.  Fork the repository on GitHub.
        1.  Clone *your fork* of the repository to your computer
            git clone
            cd civicrm-dev-docs
    1. *(optional)* If you have [Docker]( installed, then at this point you can run one of the following commands and then skip to the "view the guide" step below.
    	1. For folks who have a full Docker for Windows / Mac / Linux environment, run this command:
    		docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/docs -p 8000:8000 -w /docs seanmadsen/civicrm-docker-mkdocs serve --dirtyreload -a
    		and skip to the "view the guide" step below.
    	1. For folks who have a legacy or "Home" operating system (Windows 7, 8.1, 10 Home Premium), the situation is a bit more complex.  Follow these steps:
    		1.  Check that GitHub folder is in the path:  ```c:\Users\<username>\Documents\...```.  If it is, all is good; if not, move it there, and edit your GitHub configuration to reflect the changed location.
    		1.  Set up a Docker-Toolbox environment (which depends on Oracle VM Box), and check that it is functioning properly (Hello-world container works). 
    		1.  Run this command:
    		docker run --rm -v "/c/Users/<username>/Documents/GitHub/civicrm-user-guide:/docs" -p 8000:8000 -w /docs seanmadsen/civicrm-docker-mkdocs serve --dirtyreload -a
    		and skip to the "view the book" step below.
    1. Install [pip]( (python package manager)
        - OS X: `brew install python`
        - Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install python-pip python-wheel`
    1.  Install MkDocs, plus the [Material theme]( and the [Pygments syntax highlighter](
    Michael Devery's avatar
    Michael Devery committed
        sudo pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material pygments pymdown-extensions
    1. Serve a local copy of the guide with MkDocs
    Erich's avatar
    Erich committed
        1. Run:
            -   If you get `[Errno 98] Address already in use` then try using a
                different port with `mkdocs serve -a localhost:8001`
    1. View the guide locally your browser at `http://localhost:8000`.
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
    1.  Edit the [markdown](/documentation/ with an editor of your choice. As you
        save your changes `mkdocs` will automatically reprocess the page and
        refresh your browser.
    1.  When you are happy with your edits, use git to commit and push your changes up to your fork.    Then submit a  pull request on GitHub.
    ### Adding a new page {:#new-page}
    1. Make sure you are already set up to [edit locally with MkDocs](#mkdocs)
    1. Decide where it should go in the menu. (Ask for advice in the [documentation channel]( if you're unsure.)
    1. Add a menu location for the new page by adding a new line appropriately in `mkdocs.yml`.
        * Follow the pattern you see on other lines of this file to specify a title and a file location.
        * When setting the title, keep in mind that the same title will display in the menu and in the reader's browser tab title, so choose a title that's short but that also stands on its own to some extent.
        * Specify a location for the markdown file for your new page which follows the folder structure of the menu location you decided on.
    1. Add a new markdown file in the location specified by your new menu item and begin add content to it.
    1. If you're copying existing content from other sources (e.g. wiki, StackExchange, etc.) then follow the [instructions for providing attribution](#attributing-imports)
    Sean Madsen's avatar
    Sean Madsen committed
    1. If you're migrating one whole wiki page, follow [instructions for redirecting a wiki page to MkDocs](
    ### Moving pages
    If you'd like to move a page, take the following steps:
    (Before-hand) if you have changes to page *content*, then make those in a *separate* git commit.
    1. Move the file.
    1. Update `mkdocs.yml` with the new path to the page.
    1. Add a redirect rule to `redirects/internal.txt`.
        * Format is `old/page/path new/page/path`
        * Use the part of the path *after* the `docs` directory.
        * Don't use leading or trailing slashes
        * Don't use a `.md` extension
        * List the old path first and the new one second
        * Separate the paths with a space
    1. Run `mkdocs serve` and see if it gives you any warnings about broken hyperlinks. If it does, go fix those.
    !!! note
        Page redirection *won't work locally* (when previewing with `mkdocs serve`), but it *will* work once the guide is published on The redirection is implemented as part of our [docs-publisher]( app.
    ## Content attribution guidelines {:#attribution}
    All CiviCRM documentation content is licensed [CC BY-SA 3.0]( This means that if you want to copy content out of our docs and use it elsewhere, you're welcome to do so as long as your give attribution to the author. 
    ### How to obtain author information for content within our guides {:#attributing-exports}
    This is relevant when you want to copy content *out of* our documentation books.
    1. Find the GitHub repository for the book that contains the content you'd like to use. (There will usually be a link to this repository at the top right of ever page.)
    2. Navigate to the corresponding markdown file within GitHub (it will match the URL path of the published content).
    3. Click on "Blame" to see detailed information about content authors, line, by line.
    ### How to displaying attributing for content migrated *into* our books {:#attributing-imports}
    The [CiviCRM wiki]( and [Stack Exchange]( also use the CC BY-SA 3.0 license, which is convenient because content is regularly migrated into our MkDocs guides from these sources. But to comply with the license, we must attribute the original content authors
    When migrating content into our docs guides which requires attribution, display this attribution at the bottom of the page as follows:
    ## Credits
    Some content from this page was migrated from other sources
    and contributed by the following authors: 
    * Mickey Mouse
    * Lisa Simpson
    * Big Bird
    Commit messages should also reference the URL of the original content.