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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 3.8
    42e1012d · Release 3.8 ·
  • 3.7
  • 3.6
    66f6621a · Release 3.6 ·
  • 3.5
    14b9a6fb · 3.5 ·
  • 3.4
    44bc7bd0 · 3.4 ·
  • 3.3
    9a0406b2 · Release 3.3 ·
  • 3.2
    5ec36894 · Release 3.2 ·
  • 3.1
    7bc92e46 · Update release date ·
  • 3.0
    8a8299cd · 3.0 ·
  • 2.52
    8c6cae31 · 2.52 ·
  • 2.51
    f590db94 · 2.51 ·
  • 2.50
    d0b64e25 · 2.50 ·
  • 2.49
    30823bf9 · Update info.xml ·
  • 2.48
    8ee4d259 · Update info.xml ·
  • 2.37.2
  • 2.37.1
    3d9e4981 · Update info.xml ·
  • 2.47
    * issue #163: also fix for activity
  • 2.46
    * Fix action AddToCase -> error on api3 getvalue with limit => 0, changed to 1
    * Add Activity action: remember send_email "no" selection with !191
    * Fix Activity trigger when triggered for all contacts with !192
    * Added hours and minutes option to the Activity Scheduled Date trigger (#191)
    * When trigger is scheduled before the activity date/time it triggers now _after_ the trigger time is reached (See #191)
    * Add `Contribution Source` and `Contribution Is Pay Later` conditions  (See !194)
    * Add `Contact is (not) of Type(s)` condition (See !195)
    * Add condition `xth Contribution in Last Time Interval` (see !196)
    * Fix #163: retrieve custom field if needed for activity add action when delayed date in custom field is used
  • 2.45
    f7608ba2 · Merge branch 'issue189' ·
    * add xmlMenu function to civirules.php (mixin issue with older CiviCRM versions)
    * !190: Don't crash if contact ID does not exist (eg. was deleted) and code cleanup caseaddrole
  • 2.44
    * Fixes #189: action on activity AddToCase ignores deleted cases
    * !180 Replace deprecated function getTimeRaw().
    * Fixed #177: "Event reached date" trigger fires prematurely when setting a "before" offset.
    * Fixed #178: "Event reached date" trigger fires daily on the same participants.
    * Implemented integration with config item extension. For importing and exporting civirules configuration.
    * Fix !178: Api4 tag remove/add action for non-admins.
    * !179: Add an Activity Subject condition.
    * !181: Show label for 'Field value comparison' description. Add description to SetCustomField action.
    * !182: Support multiple membership types for "Contact has active membership of type".
    * Fix #182 by !183: Domain conditional selection shows a maximum of 25 domains.
    * Fix #183 by !184: Only show active/visible groups in group conditions / actions.
    * Changed date format for comparison value to YmdHis to fix #186 by !185
    * Always use ymd format for dates in field value comparisons  by !186
    * #188 activity action: condition target/assignee on relationship contacts by !187
    * !188 For CRON date triggers don't trigger on deleted(is_deleted=1) or disabled (is_active=0) cases,activities,events.