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Forked from Extensions / Stripe
1055 commits behind the upstream repository.
Matthew Wire (MJW Consulting)'s avatar
mattwire authored

CiviCRM Stripe Payment Processor


  • PHP 5.6+
  • Jquery 1.10 (Use jquery_update module on Drupal).
  • Drupal 7 / Joomla / Wordpress (latest supported release). Not currently tested with other CMS but it may work.
  • CiviCRM 5.0+
  • Stripe API version: Tested on 2018-02-28
  • Drupal webform_civicrm 7.x-4.22+ (if using webform integration)

How to update Stripe API version

Go to Account Settings -> API Keys tab -> click Upgrade available button.
More info on how to change:


All configuration is in the standard Payment Processors settings area in CiviCRM admin.
You will enter your "Publishable" & "Secret" key given by

Installation (Web UI)

This extension has not yet been published for installation via the web UI.

Installation (CLI, Zip)

Sysadmins and developers may download the .zip file for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.

Latest releases can be found here:

Installation (CLI, Git)

Sysadmins and developers may clone the Git repo for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.

git clone
cv en stripe

Webhook and Recurring Contributions

Stripe can notify CiviCRM every time a recurring contribution is processed.

In order to take advantage of this feature, you must configure Stripe with the right "Webhook Endpoint".

You can find the location of this setting in your Stripe Dashboard by clicking the API menu item on the left, and then choose the Webhook tab.

Then click Add Endpoint.

Now, you need to figure out what your end point is.

To figure out the "URL to be called" value, you need to check what ID is assigned to your payment processor.

To determine the correct setting, go back to your CiviCRM screen and click Administer -> System Settings -> Payment Processor

Click Edit next to the payment processor you are setting up.

Then, check the Address bar. You should see something like the following:

The end of the address contains id=3. That means that this Payment Processor id is 3.

Therefore the call back address for your site will be:


See below for the full address to add to the endpoint (replace NN with your actual ID number):

Typically, you only need to configure the end point to send live transactions and you want it to send all events.

Cancelling Recurring Contributions

You can cancel a recurring contribution from the dashboard. Go to Customers and then to the specific customer. Inside the customer you will see a Subscriptions section. Click Cancel on the subscription you want to cancel. will cancel the subscription and will send a webhook to your site (if you have set the webhook options correctly). Then the stripe_civicrm extension will process the webhook and cancel the Civi recurring contribution.


This extension comes with several APIs to help you troubleshoot problems. These can be run via /civicrm/api or via drush if you are using Drupal (drush cvapi Stripe.XXX).

The api commands are:

  • Listevents: Events are the notifications that Stripe sends to the Webhook. Listevents will list all notifications that have been sent. You can further restrict them with the following parameters:
    • ppid - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
    • type - Limit to the given Stripe events type. By default, show invoice.payment_succeeded. Change to 'all' to show all.
    • output - What information to show. Defaults to 'brief' which provides a summary. Alternatively use raw to get the raw JSON returned by Stripe.
    • limit - Limit number of results returned (100 is max, 10 is default).
    • starting_after - Only return results after this event id. This can be used for paging purposes - if you want to retreive more than 100 results.
  • Populatelog: If you are running a version of CiviCRM that supports the SystemLog - then this API call will populate your SystemLog with all of your past Stripe Events. You can safely re-run and not create duplicates. With a populated SystemLog - you can selectively replay events that may have caused errors the first time or otherwise not been properly recorded. Parameters:
    • ppid - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
  • Ipn: Replay a given Stripe Event. Parameters. This will always fetch the chosen Event from Stripe before replaying.
    • id - The id from the SystemLog of the event to replay.
    • evtid - The Event ID as provided by Stripe.
    • ppid - Use the given Payment Processor ID. By default, uses the saved, live Stripe payment processor and throws an error if there is more than one.
    • noreceipt - Set to 1 if you want to suppress the generation of receipts or set to 0 or leave out to send receipts normally.



This extension comes with two PHP Unit tests:

  • Ipn - This unit test ensures that a recurring contribution is properly updated after the event is received from Stripe and that it is properly canceled when cancelled via Stripe.
  • Direct - This unit test ensures that a direct payment to Stripe is properly recorded in the database.

Tests can be run most easily via an installation made through CiviCRM Buildkit ( by changing into the extension directory and running:

phpunit4 tests/phpunit/CRM/Stripe/IpnTest.php
phpunit4 tests/phpunit/CRM/Stripe/DirectTest.php

Katalon Tests

See the test/katalon folder for instructions on running full web-browser based automation tests.

Expects a drupal (demo) site installed at http://localhost:8001

  1. Login: No expected result, just logs into a Drupal CMS.
  2. Enable Stripe Extension: Two payment processors are created, can be done manually but processor labels must match or subsequent tests will fail.
  3. Offline Contribution, default PP: A contribution is created for Arlyne Adams with default PP.
  4. Offline Contribution, alternate PP: A contribution is created for Arlyne Adams with alternate PP.
  5. Offline Membership, default PP: A membership/contribution is created for Arlyne Adams with default PP.
  6. Offline Membership, alternate PP: A membership/contribution is created for Arlyne Adams with alternate PP.
  7. Offline Event Registration, default PP: A participant record/contribution is created for Arlyne Adams with default PP.
  8. Offline Event Registration, alternate PP: A participant record/contribution is created for Arlyne Adams with alternate PP.
  9. Online Contribution Stripe Default Only: A new contribution record is created.
  10. Online Contribution Page 2xStripe, Test proc, use Stripe Alt: A new contribution record is created. FAIL: Error Oops! Looks like there was an error. Payment Response: Type: invalid_request_error Code: resource_missing Message: No such token: Stripe Token
  11. Online Contribution Page Stripe Default, Pay Later: A new contribution record is created.
  12. Test Webform: A new contribution is created. Partial test only

ONLINE contribution, event registration tests

Manual Tests

  1. Test webform submission with payment and user-select, single processor.

  2. TODO: Are we testing offline contribution with single/multi-processor properly when stripe is/is not default with katalon tests?

  3. Test online contribution page on Wordpress.

  4. Test online contribution page on Joomla.

  5. Test online event registration.

  6. Test online event registration (cart checkout).

Drupal Webform Tests

TODO: Add these as Katalon tests.

  1. Webform with single payment processor (Stripe) - Amount = 0.
  2. Webform with single payment processor (Stripe) - Amount > 0.
  3. Webform with multiple payment processor (Stripe selected) - Amount = 0.
  4. Webform with multiple payment processor (Stripe selected) - Amount > 0.
  5. Webform with multiple payment processor (Pay Later selected) - Amount = 0.
  6. Webform with multiple payment processor (Pay Later selected) - Amount > 0.
  7. Webform with multiple payment processor (Non-stripe processor selected) - Amount = 0.
  8. Webform with multiple payment processor (Non-stripe processor selected) - Amount > 0.


Original Author

Joshua Walker - -

Other Credits

Peter Hartmann -

For bug fixes, new features, and documentation, thanks to: rgburton, Swingline0, BorislavZlatanov, agh1, jmcclelland, mattwire