# form-processor The form processor extension gives you the ability to define business logic for handling form submissions. A form submission could come from the CiviMRF, external system or just a direct submission. [See **docs** for more information](https://docs.civicrm.org/formprocessor/en/latest/). The extension is licensed under [AGPL-3.0](LICENSE.txt). ## Contributing Feel free to contribute to this extension. Create a Merge Request and also add a little description to CHANGELOG.md of what you have changed ## Releasing Process When one of the admins think it is time to relase a new version they might do so. You can also ask them to release a new version. Usually this when the release is being tested and put in production. For admins creating a release those are the steps to follow: 1. Update info.xml to reflect the new version number and release date 2. Remove the 'not yet released' from CHANGELOG.md 3. Copy the changes 4. Go to tags, create a new tag and paste the changes 5. After that update info.xml to add a new version number ending with _-dev_ 6. Update changelog add a heading for the new version with the text _not yet released_ ## Requirements * PHP v5.4+ * CiviCRM (*FIXME: Version number*) ## Installation (Web UI) This extension has not yet been published for installation via the web UI. ## Installation (CLI, Zip) Sysadmins and developers may download the `.zip` file for this extension and install it with the command-line tool [cv](https://github.com/civicrm/cv). ```bash cd <extension-dir> cv dl form-processor@https://lab.civicrm.org/jaapjansma/form-procesor/repository/master/archive.zip ``` ## Installation (CLI, Git) Sysadmins and developers may clone the [Git](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git) repo for this extension and install it with the command-line tool [cv](https://github.com/civicrm/cv). ```bash git clone https://lab.civicrm.org/jaapjansma/form-procesor.git cv en form_processor ``` ## Usage (* FIXME: Where would a new user navigate to get started? What changes would they see? *) ## Known Issues (* FIXME *)