Version 1.3

* Implemented the help text of an action on the edit action screen.
* Changed the implementation of the civicrm_container hook.
* Added a File type for handling the upload of files.
* Fix for converting Title into Name.
* Fixed issue with updating status with overridden.
* Added getoptions to the FormProcessor and FormProcessorDefaults API.
* Added a type with a list of weekdays
* Added field type for time

Version 1.2

* Implemented the refactored action provider
* Removed the action provider for default data actions, all actions are now available at the default data.
* Added a Campaign Type
* Fixed bug with checking if input/action name already exists

**Importanted notices when you are updating**

* You have also to update the action provider extension
* When you have a _Create/Update Group_ action in your form processor you have to check that form processor 
because this action has been renamed in the action provider extension.