Marketing Admin
Welcome to the CiviCRM Marketing Group. Our central purpose is to promote the CiviCRM project effectively, resulting in a healthy, growing ecosystem. Some quick details for you:
- Group Leader: @andyburns
- Group Members: @josh @AllenShaw @neil @JoeMurray
- List of initiatives that we're actively working on
- Mattermost Marketing Channel
If you'd like to be involved or send us your thoughts, please email marketing-team@civicrm.org or join our standing open meetings on the 1st Thursday of the month at 1500UTC: https://meet.jit.si/civicrmmarketing. We always welcome occasional feedback even if you cannot commit to regular participation in our activities.
What we do
The CiviCRM marketing working group is committed increasing brand awareness and growing the CiviCRM ecosystem through effectively understanding our audience and unique offering as the number one nonprofit open source CRM and communicating that clearly.
With growing the ecosystem we mean:
- Ensure as many nonprofits as possible know about CiviCRM
- Ensure as many potential supporting organizations as possible know about CiviCRM and the community
- Ensure as many potential developers as possible know they can make a living and have an impact on social good with CiviCRM
This is some ways we think we can achieve this:
- Having an authentic message
- Communicating what CiviCRM is and the different ways it can be used or adopted to first time, prospective users
- Presenting, demoing and storytelling about how to get results with CiviCRM (e.g. examples of better communications, engagement, effective fundraising appeals, membership acquisition/renewal)
- Having Civi events around the globe
- Proactively asking for feedback and listening to end users
Focus areas
The marketing team is tasked with developing and implementing an overall marketing, public relations and communications strategy. Each focus area has specific responsibilities and is tasked with implementing specific aspects of the overall strategic plan.
- Metrics to measure our efforts
- Market surveying & research, and data management
- Competitor research
- Websites, analytics and content optimization
- Social media management
- International markets
- Events
- Fundraising campaigns & development
- Communications
Note: The "Marketing" Google Docs folder is the primary space for admin documents and files. We may also use this Wiki.