Random thoughts on migrating the main 'CRM' project to Gitlab vs Github:
* Github will not allow us to import the comment history while keeping the author intact. i.e. all comments will be imported as the same user.
* By controlling registration (on civicrm.org), we can keep Community Profiles and better engage with the community/developers.
* One of the main advantages of Github is that "everyone has an account", so it makes small contributions easier. However, currently CiviCRM currently requires going through a few hoops in order to submit a patch. By opting for Gitlab, we are only slightly simplifying the process (and improving the experience because of a better UI/UX). However, we make it easier to then participate in the other working-groups on Gitlab (it's unlikely we would ever move everything on Github).
* Gitlab could be useful for extensions:
* Vendor-neutral dev spaces (shops could still promote their consulting/support services, like they do on drupal.org, but it would not be in the canonical URL of the git repo).
* Gitlab templates could potentially run civix automatically? hook into gitlab's c-i to run tests? (instead of Jenkins)
General notes for migrating non-CRM JIRA projects (ex: INFRA):
* Script used: https://gist.github.com/florisb/1266d3584dbfdbd2a8a55d31e2518edd
* The Gitlab user must be a Gitlab admin
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