Switching payment processors with modified province does not set the province properly
What is happening
Basically, if you are on a Contribution page and click on the Country link for Billing to change the Country and province it will modify for the main Payment method. If you then click another Payment method the billing block reloads, and while the country is changed the province is not
What do you expect to happen
That the province would also change
Potential fixes
I checked and it seems like the ```country_field.val(country_id).trigger("change");``` is not enough. It's like we need to call the CRM call that happens when someone makes a change to the Select2 to basically trigger a change. If you debug the process you will see that setting the province ID fails I believe because the actual provinces aren't loaded yet so the ID is invalid.
Maybe in the backed there is a better strategy instead of using Jquery I don't know.
cc @bgm