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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..918e908b0f89dbfacadb0993f038fe70dd4a219a
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5a9276bf0cf519289b10a4ecb99e8e0bd8d5745
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diff --git a/docs/recur.md b/docs/recur.md
index c17b34ac3409cbd0da8454d6d22ff14715fa0021..dd125a04cbb1cde4a4fee7ba403c7d257c47de3e 100644
--- a/docs/recur.md
+++ b/docs/recur.md
@@ -9,6 +9,16 @@ When you create a recurring contribution in CiviCRM using the Stripe payment pro
 !!! tip "If you are using recurring contributions make sure you have webhooks configured correctly"
     See [Webhooks](webhook.md)
+## Starting a Recurring contribution in the future
+If you would like your users to be able to specify a future recurring start date you can enable
+`Enable public selection of future recurring start dates` in *Administer->CiviContribute->Stripe Settings*.
+![future recur settings](images/settings_futurerecur.png)
+Then your users will see an option to select a start date for the contribution:
+![contribution page future recur start date](images/contribution_futurerecur.png)
 ## Cancelling Recurring Contributions
 You can cancel a recurring contribution from the Stripe Dashboard or from within CiviCRM.
diff --git a/docs/releasenotes.md b/docs/releasenotes.md
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--- a/docs/releasenotes.md
+++ b/docs/releasenotes.md
@@ -9,6 +9,17 @@ Where:
 * minor: Breaking change in some circumstances, or a new feature. Read carefully and make sure you understand the impact of the change.
 * incremental: A "safe" change / improvement. Should *always* be safe to upgrade.
+## Release 6.5 - not yet released
+**This release REQUIRES that you upgrade mjwshared to 0.9**
+* Implement [#199](https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/stripe/-/issues/199):
+  * Support future recurring start date on backend forms
+  * Add support for selecting and creating subscriptions with future start date on frontend forms
+* Fix [#221](https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/stripe/-/issues/199) Return 200 OK for webhooks that stripe can't match to CiviCRM. Look for contribution using subscription_id for future recurring start date
+* Map customer to contact ID in IPN
+* Handle invoice.paid, invoice.finalized IPN events - we now create the new contribution once we receive the invoice.finalized event. It will then be transitioned to Completed by invoice.paid/invoice.payment_succeeded
+* Record refund against the already recorded payment in CiviCRM so we update financial items correctly
 ## Release 6.4.2
 * Fix [#210](https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/stripe/-/issues/210): If there are multiple reCaptcha on the page check and validate the one on the Stripe billing form only.
diff --git a/docs/roadmap.md b/docs/roadmap.md
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+# Roadmap of planned features
+This roadmap may not always be up to date but gives an idea of what is planned and where funding/support is required.
+## Automatic import of subscriptions / payments
+If we already have the Stripe customer in CiviCRM we can import subscriptions and one-off contributions that were
+created outside of CiviCRM (eg. via WooCommerce, Stripe Dashboard).
+### Specification
+1. Add a setting to control whether import should happen automatically.
+2. Update Stripe IPN code to automatically create:
+  - A recurring contribution when an unknown Stripe subscription ID is received.
+  - A contribution linked to a recurring contribution when an unknown invoice ID is received.
+  - A contribution when an unknown charge ID is received (that does not have an associated invoice ID).
+  - A payment linked to a contribution via charge ID / invoice ID.
+### Estimate
+This would require funding for approximately 12 hours work.
+## UI to map customers to CiviCRM contacts
+Based on the existing `Stripe.Importcustomers` API we can build a UI in CiviCRM that allows to manually
+confirm and map Stripe customer IDs to CiviCRM contacts.
+### Specification
+1. Build a UI that lists Stripe customers which do not exist in CiviCRM.
+2. Provide options to:
+  - Confirm the auto-detected mapping.
+  - Manually find and map contact.
+  - Import all missing subscriptions/contributions for customer (up to certain date?).
+### Estimate
+This would require funding for approximately 16 hours work.
+## Stripe Connect
+See https://stripe.com/connect
+## Payment Requests (Google / Apple Pay)
+See https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/stripe/-/issues/81
+## Stripe ACH/EFT
+See https://civicrm.org/make-it-happen/stripe-ach-payments
+## Card on File
+Stripe supports saving cards and other payment methods. These can be retrieved, re-used and updated.
+We would like to provide support for re-using saved cards in CiviCRM.
+### Specification
+1. Develop a method to deduplicate payment methods (see eg. https://github.com/stripe/stripe-payments-demo/issues/45).
+  Cards are duplicated by default and we need to clean this up before we can provide a UI to retrieve cards in CiviCRM.
+2. Build a UI to allow for selection of cards to use for making payment.
+3. Integrate card-selection UI into payment flow (so for example a form validation failure will remember the card you just entered and verified).
+### Estimate
+This would require funding for approximately 24 hours work.
diff --git a/docs/webhook.md b/docs/webhook.md
index 26511f6aa92ecf6f983d7e0b0f5da00caa27d135..10e31dd22050be108409689c4c069dc677eb856b 100644
--- a/docs/webhook.md
+++ b/docs/webhook.md
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 # Webhooks
 ## Overview
-If you are using recurring contributions with Stripe you **MUST** setup a webhook and check that it is working. Otherwise contributions will never be marked "Completed".
+Stripe webhooks allow for CiviCRM to be notified of changes in payment status and new payments.
-If you are not using recurring contributions the webhook, if available, will update contributions if they are refunded / cancelled / failed.
+If the webhooks are not working CiviCRM will not be able to update the status of payments and recurring contributions.
 ## Configuring Webhooks
-From version 5.4.1 the extension manages / creates the webhooks. A system check is run to verify if the webhooks are created and have the correct parameters. If not a *Wizard* is provided to create them for you.
+The extension manages / creates the webhooks. A system check is run to verify if the webhooks are created and have the correct parameters. If not a *Wizard* is provided to create them for you.
 To check if webhooks are configured correctly login to your Stripe Dashboard and look at **Developers > Webhooks**
 ## Notifications
 Stripe notifies CiviCRM in the following circumstances:
@@ -22,3 +22,19 @@ Stripe notifies CiviCRM in the following circumstances:
 * An invoice payment fails.
 * A subscription is cancelled.
 * A subscription is updated.
+## Unknown events
+If CiviCRM receives an event with information it cannot match with an entity in CiviCRM:
+  - customer ID => CiviCRM contact.
+  - subscription ID => CiviCRM recurring contribution.
+  - invoice ID / charge ID => CiviCRM contribution.
+The webhook will return `200 OK` and Stripe will assume it was handled successfully. This allows
+for the Stripe account to be used with multiple clients (eg. CiviCRM, WooCommerce, Stripe Dashboard etc.)
+without triggering webhook errors.
+You can enable `Enable Stripe IPN (Webhook) debugging?` in *Administer->CiviContribute->Stripe Settings*
+if you would like to see these events in the CiviCRM logs.
+Also see [Automatic import of subscriptions / payments](roadmap.md#automatic-import-of-subscriptions--payments) on the roadmap if you'd like to see this improved.
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@@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ nav:
   - Hooks: hooks.md
   - Testing: testing.md
 - Release Notes: releasenotes.md
+- Roadmap: roadmap.md