Deprecated notice on CRM_Core_Form::add
On CiviCRM 5.46.3 I get this while editing a condition 'Compare Old Recurring Contribution Status to New Recurring Contribution Status' for CiviRule 'GC mandate complete'
User deprecated function: Attributes passed to
are not an array. Caller:CRM_CivirulesConditions_Form_FieldValueChangeComparison::buildQuickForm
in CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedWarning() (line 1060 of /civicrm/CRM/Core/Error.php).
(it's possible this is a core bug, but it's showing while using rules, so this seems a good place to park it for now)
Also get it from adding a send e-mail action in CRM_Emailapi_Form_CivirulesAction_Send::buildQuickForm
Also this:
Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in CRM_CivirulesConditions_ContributionRecur_PaymentProcessor->isConditionValid() (line 65 of /var/www/
(I'll try to take a look at these but at the mo having trouble forking the repo in lab).