Error 500 with 2.20 and 2.21
I use D7 and civi 5.0, when I use versions 2.20 or version 2.21 I have error 500 and the following message on the server AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of CRM_CivirulesConditions_Membership_Type::getExtraDataInputUrl($ruleConditionId) must be compatible with CRM_Civirules_Condition::getExtraDataInputUrl(int $ruleConditionId) in /public_html/sites/default/files/civicrm/ext/org.civicoop.civirules/CRM/CivirulesConditions/Membership/Type.php on line 5\n', referer: https://myweb/civicrm/civirules/form/rulesview?reset=1
If I use 2.19 version al is ok
Thanks in advanced