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This extension contains enhancements for CiviProxy for Article 19. This is a CiviCRM extension.
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Restrict users from viewing/editing contributions and other entities based on permission of financial types.
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Restrict users from viewing/editing contributions and other entities based on permission of financial types.
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Moved to dev/core with sig:accessibility : https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/accessibility/-/issues?label_name%5B%5D=sig%3Aaccessibility
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CiviCRM extensie om gegevens uit Archie te laden in CiviCRM (toevoegen of bijwerken)
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CiviCRM extension to load configuration items
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Records ActBlue donations automatically to the corresponding CiviCRM contact. If a contact doesnt already exist one is created for you.
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Extension that provides special links that can trigger admin-defined actions before redirecting the browser to either a success or denied URL. e.g. you could record downloads of a PDF file.
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