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Add discount codes and automatic discounts to CiviCRM events and memberships
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This provides a page with copies of HTML snippets in use throughout CiviCRM. e.g. (at least pre 5.31) buttons were coded in many different ways; this extension has a copy of each type of button on one page so you can check if your theme renders them nicely. This was originally part of Artful Robot's "Aah" theme, but it was suggested that this be extracted.
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This extension generates and stores data for Fiscal Attests in Belgium. The data can be mailed and exported to CSV for uploading at FOD.
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A CiviCRM extension providing GoCardless integration to handle UK Direct Debits.
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Embed forms in any remote website, providing inputs to a Form Processor. Invisible anti-spam measure included. This is an "Inlay" and therefore requires that extension, see https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/inlay
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ReportPlus extends the default CiviCRM Form's Framework adding new features
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ReportPlus extends the default CiviCRM Form's Framework adding new features
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Allows users to create and manage appointments that could be set up on contact page.