Explore projects
mattwire / anonymize
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A work-in-progress extension to rapidly destroy your CiviCRM DB.
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Extensions / anonymize
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A work-in-progress extension to rapidly destroy your CiviCRM DB.
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Michael McAndrew / civicrm-buildkit-docker
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
kcristiano / civicrm-buildkit-docker
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
francescbassas / civicrm-buildkit-docker
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Project space for civcirm.com website improvements, fixes, etc.
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DaveD / Community Messages
MIT LicenseBackend application that provides in-app communications for dashlets such as "Getting Started".
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Infrastructure / Community Messages
MIT LicenseBackend application that provides in-app communications for dashlets such as "Getting Started".
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Florian Dieckmann / Docs Publisher
MIT LicenseSymfony app to publish documentation guides to docs.civicrm.org
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JoeMurray / Docs Publisher
MIT LicenseSymfony app to publish documentation guides to docs.civicrm.org
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jaapjansma / Docs Publisher
MIT LicenseSymfony app to publish documentation guides to docs.civicrm.org
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SpiritOfJustice369 / Docs Publisher
MIT LicenseSymfony app to publish documentation guides to docs.civicrm.org
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Documentation / Docs Publisher
MIT LicenseSymfony app to publish documentation guides to docs.civicrm.org
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Project used to document/define changes to the process of collecting stats and actionable data for CiviCRM.
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Webform - including contribution for second contact.