diff --git a/Civi/ActionProvider/Action/Communication/CreatePdf.php b/Civi/ActionProvider/Action/Communication/CreatePdf.php
index 0986a6d963677c3a312cb4d102b7a6cc9c713b2d..bc517646cee16636bd381a06c6c4cd4b8fd40d66 100644
--- a/Civi/ActionProvider/Action/Communication/CreatePdf.php
+++ b/Civi/ActionProvider/Action/Communication/CreatePdf.php
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 namespace Civi\ActionProvider\Action\Communication;
 use Civi\ActionProvider\Action\AbstractAction;
+use Civi\ActionProvider\Parameter\OptionGroupByNameSpecification;
 use \Civi\ActionProvider\Parameter\ParameterBagInterface;
 use Civi\ActionProvider\Parameter\SpecificationBag;
 use Civi\ActionProvider\Parameter\Specification;
-use Civi\ActionProvider\Utils\FileWriter;
+use Civi\ActionProvider\Utils\Files;
 use CRM_ActionProvider_ExtensionUtil as E;
 class CreatePdf extends AbstractAction {
@@ -21,43 +21,47 @@ class CreatePdf extends AbstractAction {
   protected $zip;
+  protected $messages = array();
+  protected $pdfLetterActivityType;
   public function doAction(ParameterBagInterface $parameters, ParameterBagInterface $output) {
-    $domain     = \CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
     $message = $parameters->getParameter('message');
     $contactId = $parameters->getParameter('contact_id');
     $filename = $this->configuration->getParameter('filename');
     $fileNameWithoutContactId = $filename . '.pdf';
     $filenameWithContactId = $filename . '_' . $contactId . '.pdf';
-    $subdir = $this->createSubDir($this->currentBatch);
-    $contact = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $contactId));
-    $tokens = \CRM_Utils_Token::getTokens($message);
-    \CRM_Utils_Hook::tokenValues($contact, $contactId, NULL, $tokens);
-    // call token hook
-    $hookTokens = array();
-    \CRM_Utils_Hook::tokens($hookTokens);
-    $categories = array_keys($hookTokens);
-    $message = \CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($message, $domain, TRUE, $tokens, TRUE);
-    $message = \CRM_Utils_Token::replaceHookTokens($message, $contact, $categories, TRUE);
-    \CRM_Utils_Token::replaceGreetingTokens($message, $contact, $contactId);
-    $message = \CRM_Utils_Token::replaceContactTokens($message, $contact, FALSE, $tokens, FALSE, TRUE);
-    $message = \CRM_Utils_Token::replaceComponentTokens($message, $contact, $tokens, TRUE);
-      $smarty = \CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
-      $message = $smarty->fetch("string:{$message}");
+    $processedMessage = $this->getProcessedMessage($contactId, $message);
+    if ($processedMessage === false) {
+      return;
+    $this->messages[] = $processedMessage;
+    $pdfContents = \CRM_Utils_PDF_Utils::html2pdf(array($processedMessage), $fileNameWithoutContactId, TRUE);
-    $contents = \CRM_Utils_PDF_Utils::html2pdf($message, $filenameWithContactId, TRUE);
-    if ($this->zip) {
-      $this->zip->addFromString($filenameWithContactId, $contents);
+    if ($this->currentBatch && $this->zip) {
+      $this->zip->addFromString($filenameWithContactId, $pdfContents);
+    $file = $this->createActivity($contactId, $message, $pdfContents, $fileNameWithoutContactId);
+    $output->setParameter('filename', $file['name']);
+    $output->setParameter('url', $file['url']);
+    $output->setParameter('path', $file['path']);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param $contactId
+   * @param $message
+   * @param $pdfContents
+   * @param $filename
+   * @return array
+   *   Returns the file array
+   */
+  protected function createActivity($contactId, $message, $pdfContents, $filename) {
+    $activityTypeId = $this->getPdfLetterActivityTypeId();
     $activityParams = array(
-      'activity_type_id' => \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'Print PDF Letter'),
+      'activity_type_id' => $activityTypeId,
       'activity_date_time' => date('YmdHis'),
       'details' => $message,
       'target_contact_id' => $contactId,
@@ -66,16 +70,77 @@ class CreatePdf extends AbstractAction {
     $attachment = civicrm_api3('Attachment', 'create', array(
       'entity_table' => 'civicrm_activity',
       'entity_id' => $result['id'],
-      'name' => $fileNameWithoutContactId,
+      'name' => $filename,
       'mime_type' => 'application/pdf',
-      'content' => $contents,
+      'content' => $pdfContents,
-    $file = reset($attachment['values']);
+    return reset($attachment['values']);
+  }
-    $output->setParameter('filename', $file['name']);
-    $output->setParameter('url', $file['url']);
-    $output->setParameter('path', $file['path']);
+  /**
+   * @return array
+   * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+   */
+  protected function getPdfLetterActivityTypeId() {
+    if (!$this->pdfLetterActivityType) {
+      $activityTypeName = $this->configuration->getParameter('activity_type_id');
+      $this->pdfLetterActivityType = civicrm_api3('OptionValue', 'getvalue', [
+        'option_group_id' => 'activity_type',
+        'name' => $activityTypeName,
+        'return' => 'value'
+      ]);
+    }
+    return $this->pdfLetterActivityType;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns a processed message. Meaning that all tokens are replaced with their value.
+   * This message could then be used to generate the PDF.
+   *
+   * @param $contactId
+   * @param $message
+   * @return string
+   */
+  protected function getProcessedMessage($contactId, $message) {
+    $tokenCategories = self::getTokenCategories();
+    //time being hack to strip ' '
+    //from particular letter line, CRM-6798
+    \CRM_Contact_Form_Task_PDFLetterCommon::formatMessage($message);
+    $messageToken = \CRM_Utils_Token::getTokens($message);
+    $returnProperties = array();
+    if (isset($messageToken['contact'])) {
+      foreach ($messageToken['contact'] as $key => $value) {
+        $returnProperties[$value] = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    $params = array('contact_id' => $contactId);
+    list($contact) = \CRM_Utils_Token::getTokenDetails($params,
+      $returnProperties,
+      false,
+      false,
+      NULL,
+      $messageToken,
+      null
+    );
+    if (civicrm_error($contact)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    $tokenHtml = \CRM_Utils_Token::replaceContactTokens($message, $contact[$contactId], TRUE, $messageToken);
+    $tokenHtml = \CRM_Utils_Token::replaceHookTokens($tokenHtml, $contact[$contactId], $tokenCategories, TRUE);
+      $smarty = \CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
+      // also add the contact tokens to the template
+      $smarty->assign_by_ref('contact', $contact);
+      $tokenHtml = $smarty->fetch("string:$tokenHtml");
+    }
+    return $tokenHtml;
@@ -84,15 +149,14 @@ class CreatePdf extends AbstractAction {
    * @param $batchName
   public function initializeBatch($batchName) {
-    // Child classes could override this function
-    // E.g. create a directory
-    $this->createSubDir($batchName);
-    $subdir = $this->createSubDir();
-    $outputName = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->templateCompileDir . $subdir.'/'.$batchName.'.zip';
-    $this->zip = new \ZipArchive();
-    if ($this->zip->open($outputName, \ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
-      $this->zip = null;
+    $outputMode = $this->configuration->getParameter('batch_output_mode');
+    if ($outputMode == 'zip') {
+      $subdir = Files::createRestrictedDirectory('createpdf');
+      $outputName = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->templateCompileDir . $subdir . '/' . $batchName . '.zip';
+      $this->zip = new \ZipArchive();
+      if ($this->zip->open($outputName, \ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
+        $this->zip = NULL;
+      }
     $this->currentBatch = $batchName;
@@ -108,32 +172,44 @@ class CreatePdf extends AbstractAction {
   public function finishBatch($batchName, $isLastBatch=false) {
     // Child classes could override this function
     // E.g. merge files in a directorys
-    $subdir = $this->createSubDir();
-    $downloadName = $this->configuration->getParameter('filename').'.zip';
     if ($this->zip) {
       if ($isLastBatch) {
-        $downloadUrl = \CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/actionprovider/downloadfile', [
-          'filename' => $batchName . '.zip',
-          'subdir' => $subdir,
-          'downloadname' => $downloadName
-        ]);
-        \CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(E::ts('<a href="%1">Download document(s)<a/>', [1 => $downloadUrl]), E::ts('Created PDF'), 'success');
+        $subdir = Files::createRestrictedDirectory('createpdf');
+        $downloadName = $this->configuration->getParameter('filename').'.zip';
+        $this->createDownloadStatusMessage($batchName.'.zip', $subdir, $downloadName);
+      }
+    } else {
+      $subdir = Files::createRestrictedDirectory('createpdf');
+      $basePath = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->templateCompileDir . $subdir;
+      $htmlFile = $basePath .'/'.$batchName.'.html';
+      if (count($this->messages)) {
+        $this->addPagesToHtmlFile($this->messages, $htmlFile);
+      }
+      if ($isLastBatch) {
+        $pdfFile = $basePath .'/'.$batchName.'.pdf';
+        $this->convertHtmlToPdf($htmlFile, $pdfFile);
+        $downloadName = $this->configuration->getParameter('filename').'.pdf';
+        $this->createDownloadStatusMessage($batchName.'.pdf', $subdir, $downloadName);
-  protected function createSubDir() {
-    $subDir = 'action_provider';
-    $basePath = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->templateCompileDir . $subDir;
-    \CRM_Utils_File::createDir($basePath);
-    \CRM_Utils_File::restrictAccess($basePath.'/');
-    $subDir .= '/createpdf';
-    $basePath = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->templateCompileDir . $subDir;
-    \CRM_Utils_File::createDir($basePath);
-    \CRM_Utils_File::restrictAccess($basePath.'/');
-    return $subDir;
+  /**
+   * Creates a status message with a download link.
+   *
+   * @param $filename
+   * @param $subdir
+   * @param $downloadName
+   */
+  protected function createDownloadStatusMessage($filename, $subdir, $downloadName) {
+    $downloadUrl = \CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/actionprovider/downloadfile', [
+      'filename' => $filename,
+      'subdir' => $subdir,
+      'downloadname' => $downloadName
+    ]);
+    \CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(E::ts('<a href="%1">Download document(s)<a/>', [1 => $downloadUrl]), E::ts('Created PDF'), 'success');
@@ -149,8 +225,19 @@ class CreatePdf extends AbstractAction {
   public function getConfigurationSpecification() {
+    $filename = new Specification('filename', 'String', E::ts('Filename'), true, E::ts('document'));
+    $filename->setDescription(E::ts('Without the extension .pdf or .zip'));
+    $batch_output_mode = new Specification('batch_output_mode', 'String', E::ts("Batch output mode"), true, 'pdf', null, array(
+        'zip' => E::ts('All files in one zip'),
+        'pdf' => E::ts('Merge all files into one PDF'),
+      ));
+    $batch_output_mode->setDescription(E::ts('When this action is executed in batch mode, meaning that it generates more than one pdf, in which way do you want to retrieve the generated PDFs'));
+    $activity = new OptionGroupByNameSpecification('activity_type_id', 'activity_type', E::ts('PDF Letter Activity'), true, 'Print PDF Letter');
     return new SpecificationBag(array(
-      new Specification('filename', 'String', E::ts('Filename'), true, E::ts('document')),
+      $filename,
+      $batch_output_mode,
+      $activity
@@ -162,5 +249,179 @@ class CreatePdf extends AbstractAction {
+  /**
+   * Returns a help text for this action.
+   *
+   * The help text is shown to the administrator who is configuring the action.
+   * Override this function in a child class if your action has a help text.
+   *
+   * @return string|false
+   */
+  public function getHelpText() {
+    return E::ts("
+      This action generates PDF files for the contacts. <br />
+      When this action is used in a batch you can define how you want to download the
+      generated PDFs: either in one zip file or in one pdf. <br />
+      <br />
+      The input for this action is a contact ID and the message. You can use the <em>Find Message Template by name</em> action
+      to retrieve the message.
+    ");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get the categories required for rendering tokens.
+   *
+   * @return array
+   */
+  protected static function getTokenCategories() {
+    if (!isset(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['token_categories'])) {
+      $tokens = array();
+      \CRM_Utils_Hook::tokens($tokens);
+      \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['token_categories'] = array_keys($tokens);
+    }
+    return \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['token_categories'];
+  }
+  /**
+   * Initialize an HTML file. The HTML file is later on converted to a PDF.
+   *
+   * Function taken from CRM_Utils_PDF_Utils::html2pdf
+   *
+   * @return string
+   */
+  protected function initializeHtmlFile() {
+    $format = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getDefaultValues();
+    $metric = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('metric', $format);
+    $t = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('margin_top', $format);
+    $r = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('margin_right', $format);
+    $b = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('margin_bottom', $format);
+    $l = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('margin_left', $format);
+    // Add a special region for the HTML header of PDF files:
+    $pdfHeaderRegion = \CRM_Core_Region::instance('export-document-header', FALSE);
+    $htmlHeader = ($pdfHeaderRegion) ? $pdfHeaderRegion->render('', FALSE) : '';
+    $html = "
+  <head>
+    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"/>
+    <style>@page { margin: {$t}{$metric} {$r}{$metric} {$b}{$metric} {$l}{$metric}; }</style>
+    <style type=\"text/css\">@import url(" . \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userFrameworkResourceURL . "css/print.css);</style>
+    {$htmlHeader}
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <div id=\"crm-container\">\n";
+    return $html;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Convert an array of pages to html and append it to an already existing html file
+   *
+   * Function taken from CRM_Utils_PDF_Utils::html2pdf
+   *
+   * @param $pages
+   * @param $html_file
+   */
+  protected function addPagesToHtmlFile($pages, $html_file) {
+    $html = "";
+    if (!file_exists($html_file)) {
+      $html = $this->initializeHtmlFile();
+    } else {
+      // Append a line break to the file before adding the pages.
+      $html = "\n<div style=\"page-break-after: always\"></div>\n";
+    }
+    // Strip <html>, <header>, and <body> tags from each page
+    $htmlElementstoStrip = [
+      '@<head[^>]*?>.*?</head>@siu',
+      '@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@siu',
+      '@<body>@siu',
+      '@</body>@siu',
+      '@<html[^>]*?>@siu',
+      '@</html>@siu',
+      '@<!DOCTYPE[^>]*?>@siu',
+    ];
+    $htmlElementsInstead = ['', '', '', '', '', ''];
+    foreach ($pages as & $page) {
+      $page = preg_replace($htmlElementstoStrip,
+        $htmlElementsInstead,
+        $page
+      );
+    }
+    // Glue the pages together
+    $html .= implode("\n<div style=\"page-break-after: always\"></div>\n", $pages);
+    file_put_contents($html_file, $html, FILE_APPEND);
+  }
+  protected function convertHtmlToPdf($html_file, $output_file) {
+    $html = "</div></body></html>";
+    file_put_contents($html_file, $html, FILE_APPEND);
+    $format = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getDefaultValues();
+    $paperSize = \CRM_Core_BAO_PaperSize::getByName($format['paper_size']);
+    $paper_width = \CRM_Utils_PDF_Utils::convertMetric($paperSize['width'], $paperSize['metric'], 'pt');
+    $paper_height = \CRM_Utils_PDF_Utils::convertMetric($paperSize['height'], $paperSize['metric'], 'pt');
+    // dompdf requires dimensions in points
+    $paper_size = array(0, 0, $paper_width, $paper_height);
+    $orientation = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('orientation', $format);
+    $metric = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('metric', $format);
+    $t = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('margin_top', $format);
+    $r = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('margin_right', $format);
+    $b = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('margin_bottom', $format);
+    $l = \CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat::getValue('margin_left', $format);
+    $margins = array($metric, $t, $r, $b, $l);
+    if (\CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->wkhtmltopdfPath) {
+      $this->_html2pdf_wkhtmltopdf($paper_size, $orientation, $margins, $html_file, $output_file);
+    }
+    else {
+      $this->_html2pdf_dompdf($paper_size, $orientation, $html_file, $output_file);
+    }
+    unlink($html_file);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param $paper_size
+   * @param $orientation
+   * @param $margins
+   * @param $html_file
+   * @param string $fileName
+   */
+  protected function _html2pdf_wkhtmltopdf($paper_size, $orientation, $margins, $html_file, $fileName) {
+    require_once 'packages/snappy/src/autoload.php';
+    $config = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
+    $snappy = new \Knp\Snappy\Pdf($config->wkhtmltopdfPath);
+    $snappy->setOption("page-width", $paper_size[2] . "pt");
+    $snappy->setOption("page-height", $paper_size[3] . "pt");
+    $snappy->setOption("orientation", $orientation);
+    $snappy->setOption("margin-top", $margins[1] . $margins[0]);
+    $snappy->setOption("margin-right", $margins[2] . $margins[0]);
+    $snappy->setOption("margin-bottom", $margins[3] . $margins[0]);
+    $snappy->setOption("margin-left", $margins[4] . $margins[0]);
+    $pdf = $snappy->generate($html_file, $fileName);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param $paper_size
+   * @param $orientation
+   * @param $html_file
+   * @param string $fileName
+   *
+   * @return string
+   */
+  protected function _html2pdf_dompdf($paper_size, $orientation, $html_file, $fileName) {
+    // CRM-12165 - Remote file support required for image handling.
+    $options = new \Dompdf\Options();
+    $options->set('isRemoteEnabled', TRUE);
+    $options->set('chroot', dirname($html_file));
+    $dompdf = new \Dompdf\Dompdf($options);
+    $dompdf->set_paper($paper_size, $orientation);
+    $dompdf->loadHtmlFile($html_file);
+    $dompdf->render();
+    file_put_contents($fileName, $dompdf->output());
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Civi/ActionProvider/Utils/Files.php b/Civi/ActionProvider/Utils/Files.php
index f77f9141f148e225c04b24b26f92287c1f7f0ce9..c441b6f1c5c15604d1df7cc1270c3789149430fa 100644
--- a/Civi/ActionProvider/Utils/Files.php
+++ b/Civi/ActionProvider/Utils/Files.php
@@ -6,27 +6,27 @@
 namespace Civi\ActionProvider\Utils;
-class FileWriter {
+class Files {
-   * Write to a file in a restricted directory. E.g. a directory which is not accesible by
-   * a url.
+   * Creates a directory under templates_c/action_provider
+   * And adds a .htaccess to this directory so files could not be downloaded directly from the server.
-   * @param $contents
-   * @param $filename
-   * @param $subDir
+   * @param string $dir
+   *   The subdirectory without / on the end. E.g. createpdf or createpdf/batch1233
    * @return string
-   *   The full file path.
-  public static function writeFile($contents, $filename, $subDir) {
-    $basePath = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->templateCompileDir . $subDir;
-    \CRM_Utils_File::createDir($basePath);
-    \CRM_Utils_File::restrictAccess($basePath.'/');
-    $fullFilePath = $basePath.'/'. $filename;
+  public static function createRestrictedDirectory($dir) {
+    $subDir = 'action_provider/'.$dir;
+    $fullPath = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->templateCompileDir . $subDir;
+    if (is_dir($fullPath)) {
+      \CRM_Utils_File::restrictAccess($fullPath.'/');
+      return $subDir;
+    }
-    file_put_contents($fullFilePath, $contents);
-    return $fullFilePath;
+    \CRM_Utils_File::createDir($fullPath);
+    \CRM_Utils_File::restrictAccess($fullPath.'/');
+    return $subDir;
\ No newline at end of file