diff --git a/docs/drupal8/index.md b/docs/drupal8/index.md
index 5b478ce5101a93aa6f333afbdfcf8994b38d7862..2fb0a455eca3936e7c8c36f96dc52d1d106cb589 100644
--- a/docs/drupal8/index.md
+++ b/docs/drupal8/index.md
@@ -146,6 +146,16 @@ Replace `cv` with the path to the cv phar on your system if applicable. The part
 * `URL` (required) is the canonical URL to the root of your CMS site.
 * `LANG` (optional) is one of the supported languages for CiviCRM - it **must** exist in your `l10n` folder.
+#### Installing Sample Data {:#sampledata}
+Currently you can only install sample data using the command line and the `-m` flag to set the `loadGenerated` option. Example:
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD046 -->
+``` bash
+cv core:install -vv --cms-base-url="URL" -m loadGenerated=1
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD046 -->
 ## Review Permissions {:#permissions}
 !!! note ""