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58 results
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site_name: Developer Guide
site_description: A guide for CiviCRM developers.
site_author: The CiviCRM community
theme: material
name: material
repo: fontawesome/brands/gitlab
- attr_list
- admonition
- def_list
- toc:
permalink: true
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css_class: codehilite
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- pymdownx.mark
- search:
lang: en
- Home:
- Basics:
- Developer Community: basics/
- Requirements: basics/
- Useful Skills: basics/
- Planning Your Project: basics/
- Buildkit:
- Overview: tools/
- Apt-Get: tools/buildkit/
- Docker: tools/buildkit/
- Generic: tools/buildkit/
- Nix: tools/buildkit/
- Vagrant: tools/buildkit/
- Virtual Desktop: tools/buildkit/
- Tools:
- Development Tools: tools/
- Buildkit: tools/
- civibuild: tools/
- cividist: tools/
- civilint: tools/
......@@ -30,48 +68,80 @@ pages:
- Reviewing a PR: core/
- Verifying a Bug Fix: core/
- Release Process: core/
- Dependencies: core/
- Form Builder (Afform):
- Overview: afform/
- Afform Core: afform/
- Form Builder: afform/
- Search Forms: afform/
- Events: afform/
- Behaviors: afform/
- Search Kit:
- Overview: searchkit/
- Query Building with APIv4: searchkit/
- Links and Tasks: searchkit/
- Displays and the AngularJS UI: searchkit/
- Add Saved Search to Your Own Extension: searchkit/
- Financial:
- Overview: financial/
- Order API: financial/
- Payment API: financial/
- Entities: financial/
- Recurring Contributions: financial/
- Extensions:
- Basics: extensions/
- Packaging Options: extensions/
- civix: extensions/
- civix (legacy): extensions/
- Extension Structure: extensions/
- info.xml File: extensions/
- Managed Entities: extensions/
- Documentation: extensions/
- Pop-up Help: extensions/
- Translation: extensions/
- Publishing Extensions: extensions/
- Extension Lifecycle: extensions/
- Troubleshooting: extensions/
- Advanced Patterns: extensions/
- Payment Processors:
- Payment Processors: extensions/payment-processors/
- Payment Processor Types: extensions/payment-processors/
- Creating a Payment Processor: extensions/payment-processors/
- Overview: extensions/payment-processors/
- The Payment Class: extensions/payment-processors/
- Testing: extensions/payment-processors/
- CMS-specific development: extensions/
- API:
- API Intro: api/
- API Interfaces: api/
- APIv4:
- APIv4 Usage: api/v4/
- APIv4 Actions: api/v4/
- APIv4 Joins: api/v4/
- APIv4 Chaining: api/v4/
- APIv4 Custom Data: api/v4/
- APIv4 Fields: api/v4/
- Relational Data:
- Implicit Joins: api/v4/
- Explicit Joins: api/v4/
- Set Operations: api/v4/
- Option Lists: api/v4/
- Chaining: api/v4/
- Custom Data: api/v4/
- Managed APIv4 Entities: api/v4/
- Differences Between Api v3 and v4: api/v4/
- APIv4 Changes: api/v4/
- APIv4 Architecture: api/v4/
- APIv4 Changelog: api/v4/
- APIv4 REST: api/v4/
- APIv3:
- APIv3 Usage: api/v3/
- APIv3 Interfaces: api/v3/
- APIv3 Actions: api/v3/
- APIv3 Options: api/v3/
- APIv3 Joins: api/v3/
- APIv3 Chaining: api/v3/
- APIv3 Custom Data: api/v3/
- APIv3 Examples: api/v3/
- APIv3 Changes: api/v3/
- APIv3 Changelog: api/v3/
- APIv3 REST: api/v3/
- WordPress REST Interface: api/v3/
- API ERDs: api/ERDs/
- Hooks:
- Hooks Introduction: hooks/
- Hooks Changelog: hooks/
- Usage:
- Hooks in Extensions: hooks/usage/
- Hooks in Symfony: hooks/usage/
......@@ -84,6 +154,7 @@ pages:
- hook_civicrm_batchQuery: hooks/
- Case Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_caseChange: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_caseEmailSubjectPatterns: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_caseTypes: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_post_case_merge: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_pre_case_merge: hooks/
......@@ -91,9 +162,11 @@ pages:
- hook_civicrm_alterLocationMergeData: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_copy: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_custom: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_customPre: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_managed: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_merge: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_post: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_postCommit: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_postSave_table_name: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_pre: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_referenceCounts: hooks/
......@@ -122,8 +195,11 @@ pages:
- hook_civicrm_validateForm: hooks/
- GUI Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_activeTheme: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterBundle: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterCustomFieldDisplayValue: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterEntityRefParams: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterMenu: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterAdminPanel: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_buildAmount: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_caseSummary: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_contact_get_displayname: hooks/
......@@ -137,20 +213,26 @@ pages:
- hook_civicrm_pageRun: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_searchColumns: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_searchTasks: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_searchKitTasks: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_summary: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_summaryActions: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_themes: hooks/
- <del>hook_civicrm_tabs</del>: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_tabset: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_xmlMenu: hooks/
- Import Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_importAlterMappedRow: hooks/
- <del>hook_civicrm_import</del>: hooks/
- Mail Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_alterMailContent: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterMailer: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterMailParams: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterMailStore: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterMailingRecipients: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_emailProcessor: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_emailProcessorContact: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_mailingGroups: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_mailSetupActions: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_postEmailSend: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_postMailing: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_unsubscribeGroups: hooks/
......@@ -160,10 +242,13 @@ pages:
- Permission Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_aclGroup: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterApiRoutePermissions: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterAPIPermissions: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_notePrivacy: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_invalidateChecksum: hooks/
- <del>hook_civicrm_notePrivacy</del>: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_permission: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_permission_check: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_permissionList: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_selectWhereClause: hooks/
- Profile Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_buildProfile: hooks/
......@@ -172,6 +257,11 @@ pages:
- hook_civicrm_searchProfile: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_validateProfile: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_viewProfile: hooks/
- Queue Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_queueActive: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_queueRun: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_queueStatus: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_queueTaskError: hooks/
- Report Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_alterReportVar: hooks/
- SMS Hooks:
......@@ -180,14 +270,22 @@ pages:
- hook_civicrm_cron: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_preJob: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_postJob: hooks/
- Token Hooks/listeners:
- civi.token.eval: hooks/
- civi.token.list: hooks/
- <del>hook_civicrm_tokens</del>: hooks/
- <del>hook_civicrm_tokenValues</del>: hooks/
- Uncategorized Hooks:
- hook_civicrm_alterBadge: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterBarcode: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterExternUrl: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterLogTables: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterMailingLabelParams: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterPaymentProcessorParams: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterRedirect: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterSettingsFolders: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterSettingsMetaData: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_alterUFFIelds: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_angularModules: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_apiWrappers: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_buildAsset: hooks/
......@@ -197,20 +295,24 @@ pages:
- <del>hook_civicrm_contactListQuery</del>: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_container: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_coreResourceList: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_crudLink: hooks/
- <del>hook_civicrm_crudLink></del>: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_crypto: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_cryptoRotateKey: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_eventDiscount: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_export: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_fileSearches: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_geocoderFormat: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_getAssetUrl: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_import: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_oauthProviders: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_oauthReturn: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_oauthReturnError: hooks/
- <del>hook_civicrm_optionValues</del>: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_postIPNProcess: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_queryObjects: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_recent: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_tokens: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_tokenValues: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_scanClasses: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_unhandledException: hooks/
- hook_civicrm_userContentPolicy: hooks/
- Testing:
- Testing: testing/
- Continuous Integration: testing/
......@@ -218,10 +320,13 @@ pages:
- PHPUnit Tests: testing/
# - Codeception Tests: testing/
- Selenium Tests: testing/
- Mink Tests: testing/
- Javascript:
- Karma Tests: testing/
# - Protractor Tests: testing/
- QUnit Tests: testing/
- Codeception: testing/
- Protractor: testing/
- Other:
- Upgrade Tests: testing/
- Manual Tests: testing/
......@@ -232,6 +337,7 @@ pages:
- Permissions: security/
- Access Control: security/
- Reporting Vulnerabilities: security/
- Request Forgery: security/
- Framework:
- AJAX Pages and Forms Reference: framework/
- AngularJS:
......@@ -240,21 +346,33 @@ pages:
- AngularJS File Names: framework/angular/
- AngularJS Loader: framework/angular/
- AngularJS Changesets: framework/angular/
- API Architecture: framework/
- Asset Builder: framework/
- Authentication: framework/
- Autocompletes: framework/
- Bootstrap Process: framework/
- Backbone Reference: framework/
- Bundle Reference: framework/
- Cache Reference: framework/
- CiviMail: framework/
- CiviReport: framework/
- Codebase: framework/
- Database:
- Overview: framework/database/
- XML Schema definition: framework/database/
- Schema Design: framework/database/
- Transaction Reference: framework/database/
- Cryptography Reference: framework/
- Entities:
- CiviCRM Entities: framework/entities/
- Schema Design: framework/entities/
- Migrating from Legacy XML: framework/entities/
- Database Transaction Reference: framework/
- Formatting: framework/
- File System: framework/
- PseudoConstant Reference: framework/
- Import: framework/
- Logging Reference: framework/
- Mixins:
- Introduction: framework/mixin/
- New Mixin: framework/mixin/
- Standard Mixins: framework/mixin/
- OAuth Reference: framework/
- Pipe Reference: framework/
- Pseudoconstant (Option List) Reference: framework/
- QuickForm Reference:
- QuickForm: framework/quickform/
- Entity Reference Field: framework/quickform/
......@@ -262,7 +380,19 @@ pages:
- Region Reference: framework/
- Routing: framework/
- Resources Reference: framework/
- Setting Reference: framework/
- Service Container: framework/
- Setting:
- Introduction: framework/setting/
- Usage: framework/setting/
- Settings Properties: framework/setting/
- Extension Settings: framework/setting/
- Core Settings: framework/setting/
- Setup Reference:
- Overview: framework/setup/
- Getting Started: framework/setup/
- New Installer: framework/setup/
- New Plugin: framework/setup/
- Manage Plugins: framework/setup/
- Template Reference:
- Templates: framework/templates/
- Customizing Templates: framework/templates/
......@@ -271,40 +401,27 @@ pages:
- Token Reference: framework/
- UI Reference: framework/
- Upgrade Reference: framework/
- Workflow Message Reference: framework/
- Translation:
- Translation: translation/
- Extensions Translation: translation/
- Extensions Translation: extensions/
- Database localized fields and upgrades: translation/
- Standards:
- Coding Standards: standards/
- PHP Standards: standards/
- Javascript Standards: standards/
- Database Standards: standards/
- Entity Standards: standards/
- Review Standards: standards/
- Review Template (DEL): standards/review/
- Review Template (MC): standards/review/
- Review Template (WORD): standards/review/
- Documentation:
- Writing Documentation: documentation/
- Documenting Extensions: documentation/
- Documenting Extensions: extensions/
- Markdown: documentation/
- Style Guide: documentation/
- attr_list
- admonition
- def_list
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permalink: true
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guess_lang: true
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lang: php
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- pymdownx.mark
- Step by Step Guides:
- Create entity: step-by-step/
- Create a custom Case token: step-by-step/
- Create Cached Configuration Container: step-by-step/
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ api/general api
hooks/hook_civicrm_trigger_info hooks/hook_civicrm_triggerInfo
testing/setup testing
testing/javascript testing/karma
framework/schema-definition framework/database/schema-definition
framework/schema-definition framework/entities/schema-definition
api/params api/v3/options
api/usage api/v3/usage
api/actions api/v3/actions
......@@ -22,3 +22,6 @@ core/develop tools/git
basics/filesystem framework/filesystem
core/architecture framework/codebase
framework/api-architecture api/v4/architecture
documentation/extensions extensions/documentation
translation/extensions extensions/translation
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Smart+group+testing testing/manual/#smart-group
Tarball+installation+testing testing/manual/#tarball
Contributing+to+CiviCRM+using+GitHub tools/git/#github
Git+Commit+Messages+for+CiviCRM tools/git/#committing
Transaction+Reference framework/database/transactions
Transaction+Reference framework/entities/transactions
Backbone+Reference framework/backbone
Extensions+and+Permissions security/permissions#extensions
Customize+Built-in+Profile+Contribution+and+Event+Registration+Screens framework/templates/customizing