The following represents the results of a discovery project whose central objective *is to improve the search and reporting capabilities of CiviCRM*.
This page presents “Search Builder” as a recommended approach to unifying developments that are underway (APIv4 and Form Builder) as a foundation for a consolidated search and reporting utility. Furthermore, the lays out project roadmap of key blocks of work necessary to complete Search Builder via issues associated with the following milestons:
- Phase 1 - https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/report/-/milestones/3 (target completion June 30, 2020)
- Future Phases - https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/report/-/milestones/4
## Proposed Technology Stack
Based on the research and discussions, the following solution was proposed:
- APIv4 will serve as the query builder for all future search/export/reports.
- Additional functionality will need to be added.
- A new Search Builder UI will be created.
- The Form Builder project can be used to configure search builder queries into reports and custom searches.
- The new Export UI built for WMF can be incorporated into this workflow (and is now merged into core to facilitate this development).