I just tested this on 5.10 which is the first version that has the ongoing export household merge bug fixed. This issue is not present there, although the soft credit fields are not exported correctly. It would be ideal to target 5.10 for this fix but it does seem to involve some complexity so it may be we target master instead
Can confirm this on 5.9.1. All I had to do was run a "Find Contributions" search with "Soft Credits Only" and try to export. Also can confirm the "group by Array" in the query throwing it off. Is this fixed in 5.10?
Also, how can this be avoided in the future? Writing an Array directly into a query in a common search should probably be caught before code gets committed to a production release.
I am curious if there is or are stable CiviCRM releases which have their focus on bug fixes and, well, stability. I ask because with every upgrade we have to fix new issues, when the purpose of the upgrade was to resolve previous issues from our last upgrade!
Regarding stability - basically what we do is prioritise any reported (recent) regressions so if you upgrade from 5.10 to 5.11 and hit a regression & report it we will work hard to get a patch release out for 5.11. The earlier you report it the harder we work - ie. if you upgrade to 5.11 today & hit something that worked in 5.10 we are pretty much going to get a patch release out within about 48 hours. If you do the same next week we'd target 'a few days' & perhaps a week or so later in the month. (We don't necessarily put out a patch release if the next monthly release is due). If you report a bug that has been regressed in the last 2-3 months we'll probably aim for the next monthly release. The longer ago the bug was introduced the less urgent we deem it to be since obviously thousands of sites have upgraded without reporting it. This is also because we want to put our effort into supporting frequent-upgraders because we recognise they are helping the product.
In general we find the release after a security release is a very good release because any one-in-500 site bugs are likely to be surfaced by the higher volume of people upgrading.
Regarding this specific code area - the export code was badly written & hard to maintain. Over a series of releases we have cleaned it up and added a number of unit tests. We're not actively continuing with this now as all known bugs in the export classes are fixed other than a problem where some fields have length issues (at some point I might look at that again but not at the moment)
wow @eileen thank so you much for such a wonderful, informative response. I will definitely be taking what you say into consideration with our upgrades! We were eyeing up the next Security Release as our next upgrade point, so I really appreciate this information!
Yeah the issue with making a security release your upgrade point is that is when we are least able to respond to regressions that don't relate to the security patches themselves