Merge Case Modal not showing relevant cases
The merge cases modal shows cases in ascending order and is limited to show only 25 cases. (Furthermore it seems to me that this can not be changed easily on a template level basis or similar. ?)
Reproduction steps
Create cases for a contact. Open a case summary and click on 'merge case'
Current behaviour
The resulting modal shows (only 25) cases in ascending order; order can not be changed in the modal.
(Even trying to find a case by title does not work if it is not under the first 25 of this contact)
If a contact has more than 25 cases, everything newer can not be found and therefore not be merged.
Expected behaviour
The newest incoming cases should be available in the merge case modal rather than the old ones (sort descending) A load more function / or auto-complete on all cases to be able to search for all cases of a contact would be beneficial.
Environment information
- Browser: Firefox 73.0.1 (64-Bit) Ubuntu 19.10
- CiviCRM: Master/5.20.0
- PHP: 7.2
- CMS: Drupal 7.68
- Database: MariaDB 10.1
- Web Server: Apache 2.4
As seen from the attached screenshot this behaviour can be reproduced on the civicrm demopage. (screenshot from 31.01.2020) In all fairness I did not try to go beyond 25 cases on the demo page though...